Eons behind might be a bit of an overstatement... but hey, this is MY life we're talking about here!
Going to the City of Angels tomorrow with the b/f. (And yes, Not-Andrew and I are using the word... whee!)
I am oddly obsessed with Lady Sovereign's Let's Be Mates. Yay for free music downloads!
School goes.
Work goes.
Brother's plants are alive and well. Some of mine though are not nearly so well nor even alive. Perhaps I'll buy another pair of gardenias.
Still need to get on the whole M-class license thing.
Books newly in-hand*:
- NIV Bible
- Reader's Digest Complete Guide to Sewing
- Gnostic Bible, Willis Barnstone and Marvin Meyer ed.s
- The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language
- Hyperion, Dan Simmons
- First, Second and Third Books of Swords, Fred Saberhagen
- The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis
- On The Two Cities, Saint Augustine
- Lost Scriptures, Bart D. Ehrman
- Six Easy Pieces, Feynman
- Six Not So Easy Pieces, Feynman
- Bullfinch's Mythology
FEEDing My bRAin!
* All bought used and in direct proportion to the unreasonableness of iPhone purchase/service.