Apr 19, 2009 16:41
So...I have to wake up at 2:45 tomorrow morning, so that I can be at work at 3:30 am. Is that not the sickest thing you have EVER heard of?? We are shipping 2 of our wild dogs out tomorrow, and to get where they need to be on time...we have to load them up starting at 3:30. *headdesk* Oh, and then I still have to work an 8 hour shift, but since it won't be LIGHT yet...we can't officially start work until 6 am. So after we get the dogs loaded up we are all going to be going out to breakfast! I am going to be so damned tired tomorrow!
In other news...work has been pretty crazy lately...but I don't have much time right now to update about it...seeing as how I need to be getting to BED soon. :oX But today it was 97 degrees (gag me). And tomorrow and Tuesday it will be 104 and 102 respectively. But then the temperature is supposed to go down into the mid 80s again next week. I hope that's accurate...I don't want sustained 100 degree temps yet! ;_;
Anyways...I'm going to go shower, eat, and then read in bed...while the sun is still up...*sigh*