Aug 08, 2007 18:43
Salespersons are the ones everybody hates. It's always their fault and they're always wrong. They're horrible; nothing they say is ever nice, friendly nor true.
It's like the magazine pointed out last week-end, Finnish have really taken in the phrase "customer is always right", or at least, the customers have taken it in. This leads 'em thinking that nothing they ever do as a customer can't go wrong. And it's always the bloody shop girl's fault. But not that they'd tell it to your face, no, they actually quite seldom actually say anything, not even their smile wrinkle when they hear that unfornately the green has run out and there won't be coming any more, no; they come and bite you in the back and send an angry email about the horrible, disrespectful and brutal saleswoman.
It's really... You see, I'm really trying. I'm really trying out there, to be friendly and nice and warm and open and good at my work. I really try to take their wishes at my heart, try my best to manage their needs and wants and sometimes (often nearly always) impossible wishes and to really make people coming to our shop and to me happy.
And I'm not a bad person, I know I'm not. I'm not trying to make their lives difficult or their costumes ugly. I'm not even trying to take every last cent out of them; if something, I often try to save them money. I carefully try to balance the instructions I have from above to customers needs and I DON'T HAVE TO TELL YOU HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I BENT THE RULES IN FAVOUR OF THEM, just to make them happy.
But to be honest, breaking the rules doesn't really make me happy. I try my best to tiptoe with the customer's special demands and the house rules. And honest, I say no with a whole lot of sugar. If it were just me, I'd give every customer a discount. Unfortunately it's not me who runs the place. It's not me who writes the stupid rules.
Every shop girl is wrong, disrespectful, horrible and doesn't know where their wages come from. Every time. All the time. No matter what. Full stop.
And I really am sorry if you feel that way.
my horrible day