just prompts - forbidden

Jul 21, 2008 23:22

There's just loads of things I could talk about that are forbidden that I indulge in anyway. It's practically what I live for, darlings, because something being forbidden makes it just that much more deliciously sweet to partake of, don't you think? After all, aren't those love affairs that you remember the ones conducted in secret? Doesn't the dark make the sin you're committing that much more enjoyable? It would hardly be the same, would it, if you could just revel in your vices in broad daylight and never have to worry. I'd be out of a job, for one, and a girl has to eat.

But let me start with something... mm, relatively tame. It was from ever so long ago, when I was still just a little thing in England. Four years ago, in fact, when I was fifteen. Before I left, before my mother died. It's one of the last memories I have of her, you know.

I was in Harrods, you see, and I saw just the loveliest shade of nail polish I'd ever seen. It was green. Just like this, in fact. And it seemed so... classy, you know? It was green like emeralds and jade, the sort of green you always imagine envy to be. I fell in love immediately. So I saved all my pocket money for just weeks and weeks (quite a feat, let me tell you, because I can never get money without having the instant urge to go out and spend it, and I've always been like that!) just for that one terribly expensive bottle to paint my nails with.

So I bought it one day, and I brought it home, and I showed it off to my mother, and do you know what she said?

"Don't you dare put that on, it'll make you look dreadfully common." Only she didn't say common at all. She said a much ruder word, and I've never understood it, really. You'd think bright red might make for looking more... common than green, but apparently not to her.

I was absolutely devastated when she told me. I could have almost cried. And to think! I'd saved for all those weeks. So of course, I put on three coats of it just to show her, and I looked at my hands and thought -- no. She's wrong. I actually look quite glamorous. She wasn't pleased at all, and if looks could burn, she might've singed the new paint right off my nails then and there.

I left not long after that. Surprised, darlings? I should tell you, though, I've always liked the way it looks and even to this day, whenever I buy a new bottle (nothing of that quality anymore, unfortunately, but still close to the same color) I always think of how much she absolutely hated it and, you know, I think it sparkles all the more for it.