Dec 31, 2015 23:06
Been doing this since 2008.
2015 In The Beginning...
Where did you ring in the New Year?
At home.
Who were you with?
Did you kiss anyone at midnight?
Yes. :)
2015 Your Love Life...
How many relationships did you have?
How many break ups?
2015 Friends and Enemies...
Did you meet any new friends this year?
Just 1. Erika from work, but we still getting a feel for our friendship. And a closer friendship with Emily. <3 And a ... cozier friendship with Antoine from work. Cozy is the best way I can describe it, because he's pretty closed off. But not unwelcoming. We suspect he's just very shy, but he seems to like my/our company. :)
Did any of your friendships end?
Ummmm. Last year I said maybe. Definitely on hiatus. I think it's safe to call it ended at this point. It might be possible to revive it, but for now, I call it over.
Did you get into any fights?
No. I wouldn't call anything I went through this year a fight.
Did you make any new enemies?
Did you resolve any fights?
Who was/is your closest friend(s)?
Demian, Mari.
2015 Holidays...
Did you have a Valentine?
:-) He surprised me with flowers.
Did the Easter bunny visit you?
I got a care package of See's from my parents!
Did you watch fireworks on the 4th of July?
We saw a handful from our apartment.
Did you dress up for Halloween?
No, not this year.
What did you do for Thanksgiving?
We made a regular Thanksgiving Feast and had Antoine come over! We ate and watched a few movies.
Where were you for Christmas?
At home, with Demian.
Did you receive what you wanted?
I wanted a FitBit, but it's a hefty purchase. It can wait. :) I was quite happy with all the other things I got.
2015 Your BIRTHDAY!
Did you have a cake?
Oh god yes! Mari took the opportunity to get one of the huge Chocolate on Chocolate cakes! It was soooo decidant. And so big! I was so caked out for like a month.
What did you do for your birthday?
Japanese dinner with Daymo. The next week was a group dinner with friends from work. Then games at Mari's.
Did you have a party?
I'd call that a party.
Did you get any presents?
Yeah! Mari got me old school comic book style TMNT figuires - I did a little dance when she left them on my desk at work! Daymo got me a PS3, and my parents gave me a diamond ring.
2015 The Memories and Accomplishments...
Happiest Memory?
From my California vacation in May. I loved visiting Santa Cruz with my friends. Making pictures in the sand. It was like old times. And I miss that so very mcuh.
Second was watching Mari recover from her life being taken over by another girl at work. L latched on to her something crazy and just kind of slowly overtook everything. It led to Mari and I being closer, and we make it a point to see each other every other weekend, now that she doesn't work at Dell.
Third. Moving into this gorgeous, spacious, lovely apartment! I love this space so very much!
Saddest Memory?
My uncle passed early this year. We weren't close, but it hurt so much to have my family be in mourning and me so far away.
Scariest Memory?
It's a toss up. My dad had a cancer scare. He had an operation and is doing very well. :)
On my flight to San Diego, I experience the worst and longest bought of turbulence I've ever gone through. I had an emotionally rough morning, and I literally - no joke, no exaggeration - was seriously afraid I might die on that airplane. I was sobbing and whimpering. We were also sitting the very last row, which I'm told makes it worse.
Biggest Accomplishment?
... I guess sticking with my recent art binge. I'm drawing more days than I'm not. Brainstorming ideas. It feels pretty good.
2015 All about YOU...
Did you change at all this year?
Very likely.
Was 2015 a good year?
Ummmm... I don't really think so. But it had some pretty good highlights.
I've been growing steadily unhappier in this state and in this job.
Did 2015 bring any new insights?
Yes. Mari's relationship with L, and how she dealt with it, has taught me to see beyond personal feelings about someone. Likely if someone treats you badly, it's because of an issue they have with themself. Empathy is the most precious tool we have to interact with each other. And I'm still working on it, but I try to be more cogniscent.
Also, I don't want to live in San Diego, apparently. :p
Do you think 2016 will top 2015?
.... I hope so. I'm so unhappy here. But even if we move next year, there will be more growing pains.
Do you have any goals for 2016?
Visit Reno to evaluate it as a potential home. If it doesn't feel promising, look for others.
That empathy statement I mentioned before.
Patience. With others. Acceptance of ... more things.
Do you wish 2015 wouldn't end?
Yes and no. I've been feeling down since early November. I wish I was going into the new year feeling better about ... everything.
Do you plan to do anything special for NYE 2015?
Just stay home with Daymo. Watch the ball drop at midnight, eat fancy cheeses. Tomorrow steak.
Who will you be kissing at Midnight?
My Demian.