Well hello there...nice collar...

Jul 02, 2005 19:47

That was thursday here at origins, talking to a girl here at the event registration desk...

Her response was "oooo..you have pretty" after I fluffed my flog( Yes I'm a whore, flagging flogs at a game con. Considering the number of gamer kinksters in our group I figured I'd take a chance::smiles::)

Today I'm posting from the computers at said registration desk.::smiles::

We're going out for coffee after the desk closes.

So already talked the guy in charge of volunteers, I'm committed for next year. (::dances::Free four day pass...woot!)

Wonder if it's too late to volunteer for olf::ponders::

More on the convention later::smiles::


P.S.... 5 more flash cotton victims here at origins 31.::chuckles::
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