May 05, 2008 20:21
The day before my birthday, and I haven't finished Taste Testing. I'm not too bothered. I'd rather take my time and do a good job of it than rush it and screw it up. I normally do take a while to finish the really long oneshots/stories that I start. Lucky took a month, I think, of continously adding to it until I'd finished - it was done in two main chunks (with about a month between where I just left it and didn't work on it at all). Lucky's shorter than Taste Testing, so... Perhaps a better example would be one of my other completed stories (which isn't uploaded anywhere at the moment). That story turned out to be 11 000 words or so, and that took around... I dunno... a month maximum, with at least a few months of nothing in between. I'm not saying that Taste Testing will take as long (indeed, I hope it'll be pretty quick, considering), but it's just a warning that I take a while to finish these sorts of things. :-)
It seems that all I do is blabber on about that fic, but... that's what this journal was partly made for - to blabber on about my writing!
Other things.
The past couple of days I've been posting applications up (a grand total of two xD) on bleach rating sites (bleach_rating and arrancar_rating). Which Bleach character do people think I'm most like? Which Arrancar do people think I'm most like? These questions must be answered. xD It is really interesting to see which characters people are comparing me to (and, indeed, to vote for and compare other people to characters).
I'm looking for, say, HP and LotR rating sites but there are a few out there, I think. Which one to go for? :S
Random blither: I fell over earlier.. bashed/scraped my knees. Since they're already quite fragile/sore, that wasn't the best thing to happen. :( Dad and Mum made Lentil and Vegetable soup for dinner, basically from scratch (I've helped them before, but today I was feeling too tired... probably for the best. Our kitchen is tiny.). It was nice (gives you a warm, fussy feeling inside), and though it was hot I managed to not burn my mouth on it this time! Mwah, I've learned my lesson. ^^ Yesterday Mum, Dad, and my sister watched Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark while I watched Flood on TV. The second part is on not long from now. It's kind of depressing... thankfully I don't live in London. xD I really should watch all three of the Indiana Jones films again sometime, though. And the fourth when it comes out! Ack.. I didn't put Indiana Jones in my interests, did I...? I shall amend in a moment.
Byega. Temporarily.
*whizzes off to watch upcoming programme on TV*