May 31, 2006 14:03
I've been quite busy the last month or so. I was away for most of MAY doing a navy course so I can get a promotion. SO I'm back now and life is working out quite nicely. I really am a lucky person. I got accepted to Ryerson, I have a new boyfriend and it's the best season of the year! I also think I am going to cut off my hair again. I mean it's summer and it's going to be more sweaty then ever, so it's best for me to have short hair. I'm a little nervous, but really excited!
And It looks like Ryan will be staying in Toronot, but not with the Internship position. Even though he felt that everything went well in the interviews, he didn't get a call from them. I feel bad because it would have been an excellent opportunity and an amazing salary. I hope he gets something by the end of june so he isn't unemployed when I leave for my contract.
On the bright side, He and I have decided to be exclusive. I'm really happy, and even though there is an age gap we are on the same page with everything. It's like he and I already know what the other wants and is going to suggest.
I've been having some problems with my ex since he called me while I was on course. I've been trying to understand why he would call me saying he's been thinking about be, when I have found out that he is dealing witht he same girl that he cheated on me with. I think he's trying to have his cake and eat it too, which I will have nothing to do with. I need to get him out of my life.
So, I think i'm going to call and make a hair appointment for tommorrow. OOOHH I'm excited!