Dance of Swords 3/?

Jul 28, 2010 10:59

With Tony now sitting several chairs away, and Gibbs' hand clamped onto his shoulder, they resumed listening to Tim tell his story.  "Okay, the ladies were pretty nervous because it was their first weekend to perform in front of strangers, so I was watching them go through their routine, reminding some of the newer gals to look up and smile when...

Friday Afternoon

Tim smiled and nodded to Janice as she took center stage, the rest of the troupe in an arc behind her.  When she returned the nod, he started the CD of the music for their opening number.  Their routine started out with a bang and the music was fast and had a heavy bass.  With the music playing, it took him a minute to realize the noises he heard were not part of the track, but coming from outside the room.  He walked backwards to the door before easing it open and stepping out into the hall.

Dark hair and flashing eyes were the first thing that Tim noticed as the woman argued with a man in a language he did not know.  His training recognized an escalating situation and he was already on the move before the man's hand struck her cheek the first time.  The second swing was stopped by McGee's hand grabbing his wrist.  He stormed off, still ranting with words Tim did not understand.

Dismissing the threat, McGee turned his attention back to the woman.  "Do you speak English?  Are you all right?"

"Yes, thank you, I am fine."  Her voice was rich and melodious, but her confidence didn't quite reach her eyes.  McGee decided to keep her talking as he held out his hand.

"I'm Tim McGee.  He had no right to do that to you.  You can press charges and have the police can arrest him."  He waited as a wave of emotions passed over her face, but the one that remained was resignation.

She shook her head.  "Thank you Tim McGee, I am Rabia.   I cannot have him charged with a crime because  I am to marry him when I return home."

"You're in the United States of America right now and that is not the way a man treats a woman, especially one he claims to love."  He pulled back his jacket just enough to show the badge clipped to his belt.  "I'm a federal agent, let me help you."

Present Time

"Ahh, Probie, you are such a boy scout, and so smooth.  I have taught you well."

"I do not see how he was especially prepared for this event."  When everyone in the office looked at her blankly, Ziva tried to clarify.  "Is that not the Boy Scout motto, always be prepared?"

Tony grinned at Gibbs.  "You want to get this one, Boss?"  The glare he got in return was impressive, even for Gibbs.  Jenny tried to salvage the situation.

"It's all right, Ziva, I'll explain it later.  What happened next, Agent McGee?"

He was tilting again and Gibbs nudged him upright as he continued to explain.  "Her lip was bleeding so I took her back to the practice room and Janice took care of her."

"And who is Janice, McGee?"

"She was my mom's best friend, Boss.  They started the troupe together years ago.  They... they met in the oncology unit after Mom's second mastectomy."

The pieces were stating to fit together for Gibbs, and he could see the recognition dawning on Tony's face.  "She was a nurse?"

"No, she was another patient.  They were chemo buddies, were on the same treatment schedule for about a year.  Jan's husband left her while she was in treatment and they got the idea to do something to prove that they could still be beautiful, sexy women."

"By learning to belly dance?"  There was more than a hint of admiration in Jenny's voice as she, too, began to understand.  "Are all the dancers in your group former patients?"

McGee gently corrected his boss's boss.  "It's a mix of survivors and those in current treatment.  This year I helped the ladies get non-profit status.  They hope to raise funds and awareness."

Jenny was suspicious, but wanted to be sure.  "And your mother?"

The moment of pain that flashed across Tim's face confirmed it, but Gibbs stepped in and gave a quiet explanation.  "She lost the fight his first year on the team."  After Jenny nodded in understanding he got McGee back on track.  "What happened next, McGee?"

"When Rabia realized which group we were, she spent a couple of hours with them, you know, showing them subtle little things that would help their performance, and she invited the entire troupe to join with hers for a dinner banquet..."

Friday evening

"No, no, I insist.  Tim has been most kind to me and I have heard so much about your group, Janice.  Women in my country are so ashamed when this diagnosis is given, what you are doing is wonderful.  I want to hear more, and I wish for Fatima and Seda to hear it as well."

An hour later, they were being seated among plush pillows, with low benches discreetly brought in for some of the more medically fragile women.  Tim didn't know the home country of their hostess, but to be safe, he had given them a brief run down on the suggested etiquette he'd found online.  He needn't have worried, Rabia and her friends made the women feel like royalty.  Tea was being served when a tall, distinguished man walked in, escorted by a group of younger men.

Rabia gave a slight shake of her head to McGee as she stood and approached the older man.  "Father, I would like you to meet Tim McGee.  He was very kind to me when I needed help.  Tim, this is Ambassador Demir Mehmet, my father."

Tim straightened as he stood and offered his hand.  "Ambassador Mehmet, it is an honor."

"If your kindness has helped my daughter, then the honor is mine."  After a brief handshake, Mehmet turned back to his daughter.  "I am sorry, my dear, but I must return to New York tonight.  There is a problem a the embassy that requires my attention."

"But Father..."

Mehmet smiled at his youngest daughter.  "It cannot be helped, Seda, but I will return in time for your performance.  Now, be good and mind your sister and Fatima."

The teenager pouted, but settled back down as her former nanny patted her on the shoulder.  Fatima Polat had been in the service of the Mehmet family since the birth of Rabia.  "The girls and I will be fine, sir, and we have wonderful friends to keep us company."  She gave a warm smile to Janice and the rest of the ladies.

After receiving kisses from both his daughters, Ambassador Mehmet returned his attention to McGee.  "Mr. McGee, walk with me, please."

"Of course, sir."  Tim was still on his feet and immediately fell in beside Mehmet as he left the room, body guards silently following the two men.

Mehmet waited until the door was closed behind them.  "It is actually Agent McGee, is it not?"

Tim was surprised that he'd been checked out so quickly.  "That's correct, sir, I'm with NCIS."

"Is there something going on that I should be aware of?  Why does your agency have you here?"

"My being here has nothing to do with the agency, Ambassador Mehmet.  My mother was a founding member of this group."  He was picking up on a sense of nervousness from the older man, and decided to push it just a bit, turning his words back on him.  "Is there something going on that I should be aware of?"

The Ambassador didn't seem offended by the question.  "I understand that you have met Rabia's fiance?"

Very few things truly angered McGee, but an abusive man was at the top of the list.  "If you mean did I stop him from hitting her, then yes, we've met."

The slight smile was the only indication that the Ambassador approved of his actions.  "Taran was a good man, but something has changed him recently. His arrival here was unexpected and I fear there is more to it than he is saying."

"And the trouble at the embassy?"

"I will admit I find the timing worrisome.  There is an FBI presence here at the hotel, but Rabia feels safe with you.  I realize my request will impose on your plans, but would you watch out for my daughters?  Rabia is hard headed and Seda is impulsive, and I fear for them while Taran's mood is so unpredictable."

"I will do what I can, sir."  McGee didn't take a deep breath until the Ambassador and his party were on the elevator.  Once the doors slid shut, he leaned hard against the wall, wondering just what he'd gotten himself into.  Despite Mehmet's casual mention of an FBI team, he knew there had to be a credible threat for a team to be at the hotel.

Present time

"Wait a minute, there was an FBI team there?  Then why were you trapped without backup?"  Tony turned from his friend to stare at Fornell, who was already wilting from the joint glare of Gibbs and Shepard.  Whatever his answer, it was apparent by his expression that Fornell was not comfortable.  Before he could come up with an answer, McGee cut him off.

"I made contact with the team that night.  They were less than helpful."  Tim shifted and grimaced as the painkillers were starting to wear off.

Jenny leaned forward, elbows on her desk.  "Define 'less than helpful' for us please, Agent McGee."

Tim wasn't sure which was worse: being trapped with terrorists or between warring agencies.  "Umm, exact quote?"

"Oh, definitely."  Fornell groaned and covered his eyes at Gibbs' response.

McGee took a deep breath and blurted it out in one fell swoop.  "One of the agents said that they didn't need some damn geek from a second rate agency to tell them how to do their jobs."

Luckily, Jenny had changed from a pen to a pencil, as it snapped between her fingers.  "Really?  Tell me, Agent Fornell, did those agents survive the takeover?"

"Yes, ma'am."  Fornell ignored the stage whispered 'so far' from DiNozzo.

Jenny gave DiNozzo the briefest of glances before returning her attention to Fornell.  "I assume their transfer papers are in the works?"

"They're leaving for Alaska next week."

Dropping the pieces of the pencil Jenny leaned forward even further, her chin on her clasped hands.  "Be sure to have them drop by my office on their way out of town."

ncis, humor, dance of swords

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