Trope Bingo - Tentacle Porn 1/1 NC-17

Jan 20, 2016 09:53

How could I not use that prompt.  Even better, you'll see it eventually worked into a bigger story that I was stuck on.  *Watches f-list checking over my WIP's*  Nope, hasn't been posted at all yet.  I haven't decided which line I'm going for first as there's lots of prompts there I like.  I'll just keep you guessing on that front.  There's a few subtle tie-ins with the story this will eventually meld with, including the sharing of secrets.


"What in the hell is that?"

DiNozzo's question and McGee's resulting laugh brought Gibbs into the large, opulent bedroom. They'd been executing a search warrant for the last five hours and they were all getting a little tired and grumpy. When he walked in, Tony was staring at whatever he'd apparently found under the pillow. Curious, Gibbs moved closer and gave a snort. It looked like a large, purple octopus tentacle. Before he could repeat the same question DiNozzo had asked, McGee surprised them both.

"Haven't you ever seen a dildo before, DiNozzo?"

Gloves notwithstanding, Tony dropped the item in question almost immediately. "Holy shit, that's a - really? How do you..." Even though the three of them were alone in the house, he dropped his voice and leaned closer to McGee. "You've seen one of those before?"

Gibbs thought about what they'd learned about McGee and made a guess. "More than seen?"

Tim gave a cocky grin. "Secret of the day?"


"Hell, yeah."

"Mine's blue - and bigger." Grinning even wider, McGee turned around and resumed photographing the stash of drugs they'd already found.

"Holy shit."

Sometimes DiNozzo had a real knack at words.


Paperwork done and case put to bed, there was no doubt whose home the three of them would end up at and as soon as he walked into his apartment, Tim took a quick but thorough shower. Sure enough, Tony showed up with pizza before Tim finished drying his hair. Gibbs with a bottle of the good stuff arrived before they had the pizza boxes opened.

Pizza finished and a good buzz started all the way around, it was no surprise when the first question came from Tony, but Gibbs was listening intently, too. "So, you have one of those - things - do you actually use it? I mean, on yourself?"

"Don't knock it until you've tried it, Tony."

Tony casually crossed his legs. "Umm, no thanks. I mean, why one that looks like that?"

"It's fun. It's actually pretty easy to slide inside since the head is so small." The ease of the answers told Gibbs that McGee had had more than his usual share of the bourbon. "The texture of those suckers feels pretty damned good, too."

"Shit." Tony looked both horrified and curious and Gibbs knew he'd keep going, which was good. Gibbs wanted to know, but he sure as hell wasn't going to be the one doing the asking. Not unless they got into a second bottle of bourbon. "Really? How do you..."

"What? You wanna watch?"

Tony froze for a second, but Gibbs knew what his answer would be, where they'd been heading since the day Tim confessed his deepest, darkest secret. At least that was what Gibbs had been fantasizing about and judging from the bulge forming in Tony's pants, he wasn't alone. Finally Tony rubbed at his mouth and nodded. "Yeah, I really do."

Tim turned to Gibbs, the question in his eyes. Gibbs licked his lips and nodded. "Yeah."


Tim swallowed down the last of his bourbon and climbed to his feet. Part of him was nervous, but part of him - a much larger part - ached for the attention from the other two men. It had been far too long since he'd had the kind of sexual encounter that left him limp and completely sated and his dreams lately had been combinations of past memories and future wishes, of being passed back and forth between two lovers until he was almost unconscious with pleasure. "Come on."

He led them into his bedroom. Over the king sized bed was a large painting and Tim took it off the wall, exposing two heavy-duty eye bolts. "Take your clothes off."


Gibbs answered Tony before he could, already stripping off his shirt. "It's not a peep show, DiNozzo. You're going to have to put some skin in the game."

That little fissure of fear dissipating before it fully formed, Tim nodded and continued his work. The pillows came off the bed and he pulled off his own shirt as he went over to the closet. He carefully removed the false wall on the left hand side and brought the board out. It was long enough that it fit across the width of the bed. Once that was in place he went back to the closet and next removed one of the boxes that had just been uncovered.

"Nice, McGee. I never noticed that before." Tony was down to his boxers and was peering past Tim and into the closet.

That made Tim smile. He'd been pretty proud of what he'd done to alter the space, adding a foot of hidden storage at each end. "That was kinda the plan."

Behind them, Gibbs gave a snort. "Wondered how you got so good at searches. You know all about hiding."

"In this society, you have to." Tim glanced over his shoulder as he continued to set up, a thrill going through him when he got a good look at what the older man usually had hidden away. Shucking his sweats, Tim attached the straps to the eye hooks and made sure they were secure enough to support his weight and just the right length to make the loops comfortable to hold.

Judging from their expressions, Gibbs knew what he was setting up, but Tony hadn't figured it out yet. Enjoying seeing Tony slightly out of his comfort zone, Tim removed the toy from the box. As he had told them, it was blue, with a slightly teal tint around the suckers of the tentacle. The base was wide, to accommodate the suction cup. He held it up for them. Tony stared at it in apparent fascination, but didn't move or attempt to touch it. Gibbs, on the other hand, stepped closer and ran his fingers up and down the silicone. The very tip of the silicone tentacle was just a little larger than Gibbs' middle finger, but by the time it got to the base, it was bigger around than his wrist.


Smiling at the approval, Tim climbed onto the bed with the tentacle and a bottle of lube. The board had a while melamine coating on it to match the rest of the interior of the closet, which meant that with a bit of moisture on the suction cup built into the base, it would hold quite well. A quick swipe of the tongue and he pressed it down firmly.

Even if the two men had not shown up, Tim planned on playing so he'd prepped in the shower. A good coating of lube on the toy and he knelt down over it and eased down onto it, stopping about halfway down, where it started to get uncomfortable without some stretching.

Slipping his hands through the loops and then grasping the straps, Tim looked at the two men now kneeling on the bed and slowly started to undulate, wanting to give them a show before he got serious about what he was doing. Eventually the pleasure was strong enough that he lost track of what they were doing, but the last thing he noticed was that they were both playing with themselves.


"Shit." Tony was almost laying down on the bed, watching the tentacle slide in and out of Tim's ass. Looking up, a sheen of sweat made his body glisten, Tim's eyes closed in pleasure as he panted and grunted.

Throwing his head back, Tim started to fuck himself on the toy and Tony moved closer. "Oh fuck, Boss, look at that."


There was an odd timbre to Gibbs' voice and Tony turned to see the other man fully erect. He swallowed hard, having both McGee and Gibbs so obviously aroused made it even harder to ignore his own growing desires.



When Tim heard that, heard the hunger in Gibbs' voice, he opened his eyes. Licking his lips, he watched Gibbs, watched the heat in his eyes, watched his hand slide up and down his cock, the head glistening with pre-come.

A few more scrapes across his prostate with those suckers on the tentacle and he was ready to climax. It was way too fast and wasn't nearly enough, but he might get more. Tony was still too nervous, unable to look him in the eye quite yet, but unable to look away from his body. Gibbs, on the other hand, wanted to see it all so Tim made eye contact and held it as his orgasm hit.

There was something very primal watching his fluids mark Gibbs with two streams across his chest. Still slowly jacking himself, Gibbs reached up with his other and and rubbed it into his skin. Tim's cock jerked in response and he knew he had to make his move before Gibbs came. "Fuck me."

Gibbs froze, but it wasn't revulsion on his face, not by a long shot as he reached out.


It had been a long time since Jethro Gibbs had been this turned-on. Senior year in high school was the only thing that came to mind - coming across Sue Ann Powell and Lucy Adams eating each other out in the field behind the Powell's barn - at least until now. Watching Tim fuck himself on that ridiculous tentacle, his skin flushed and glowing, staring into Gibbs' eyes as he moved up and down, giving a little twist at the end. This was something he could masturbate to for years.

Then Tim let out a shout and Gibbs was branded. He'd feel that moment for the rest of his days. Not wanting to ever give it up, he rubbed his hand over his chest, wanting to carry the scent, the memory, for as long as he could.

Seemingly exhausted, Tim hung from the straps for just a moment before he looked up at Gibbs.

"Fuck me."

More than a question, less than a demand, Gibbs was leaning closer before before his mouth could form the question his mind needed. "Are you sure?"

Their bodies were touching, rubbing against each other. Beneath them, Tony was still watching, a rapt expression on his face. Tony was hard as a rock now, and had apparently given up any pretense at not being turned on by what he'd seen so far. Tim turned his face just enough to whisper in his ear, scraping his teeth along Gibbs' jawline. "That was a warm-up. I want you to fuck me so hard that I still feel it tomorrow, still feel your cock in my ass."

Gibbs wasn't sure if it was the words or the sensual touch to his jaw that shattered the last of his resistance. Groaning, he wrapped his arms around Tim's waist and lifted him off the dildo. One arm stayed firmly in place while with his other hand he freed Tim from the straps that had been supporting him.

Tony seemed stuck in that place between wanting to touch and being afraid to touch and he hadn't moved from his vantage point on the bed. Gibbs decided that if he liked to watch, they'd give him one hell of a show, so he turned enough to lay Tim opposite Tony before opening the nightstand drawer. As expected, he found condoms in there and quickly tore a package open and rolled the thin latex onto his dick.

Gibbs moved up to the head of the bed and lifted Tim's thighs. With Tony watching intently, he slowly slid into Tim's ass. Breathing hard through his teeth, he forced himself to a slow pace, enjoying it when Tony rolled onto his side to closely watch every stroke. Better yet, Tim smiled at him before shifting his upper body enough that he was able to reach Tony's dick.

"Oh, fuck." Tony hadn't noticed the movement and was surprised, but within seconds he was obviously enjoying it. "What a sweet mouth, Boss."

"I bet."

Tim gave him a lazy smile, never breaking eye contact with Gibbs as he licked and sucked on Tony's cock. Eventually Tim's eyes drifted shut as he gave himself over to the pleasure.

Tony was watching Gibbs's cock working in and out of Tim's ass so closely that Gibbs could feel Tony's breath on his stomach. His face was only an inch from Tim's cock so Gibbs grasped the hard shaft and lightly brushed it across Tony's lips.

Tentatively Tony licked across the head several times before sucking just the tip into his mouth. As Gibbs watched, Tim mirrored everything that Tony was doing. It didn't take too long for Tony to catch on and soon he had more and more of Tim's cock in his mouth and his balls in his hand while Tim did the same thing to him.

"Fuck." Just the double view would have been enough to push Gibbs over the edge. Adding in the internal muscles dancing over his cock and he knew he wasn't going to last much longer.

Gibbs came first with a shout. A few seconds later Tony pulled away from Tim's cock to give a shout of his own and Gibbs wrapped his fingers around Tim's saliva soaked cock, keeping the rythym going as best he could. Tim's second climax didn't have the force of his first, but there was something very primal about watching the fluids running over his fingers. Gibbs once again rubbed Tim's cock against Tony's lips, this time to give him a taste, before licking his own fingers clean.

Exhausted, he finally eased out of Tim's ass, carefully holding the base of the condom. No blood, so he removed the condom and tied it off before dropping it next to the abandoned tentacle. It took some shuffling around, but eventually they were curled around each other, laying on the bed.

It was quiet as they took in the changes in their relationship. Finally Tim, who was in the middle, smiled. "Extra secret?"


Gibbs just grunted. He couldn't imagine anything topping this.

"This wasn't my first three-way and you guys haven't seen anything yet."

That got both Gibbs and DiNozzo up on one elbow, looking down at the smirking man.

"Holy shit."

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

ncis, trope, slash, fiction, nc-17

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