Camping with Gibbs 11/?

Feb 13, 2014 15:30

Dawn was just beginning to break as Gibbs moved out at a brisk jog. He heard Fornell's call for assistance and turned in what he hoped was the right direction as he lifted his wrist to his mouth. "McGee, one suspect captured, I'm moving in to help Fornell, give me a location. McGee? Tim? Damn it, McGee, can you read me?"

He was just about to try and raise McGee again when he saw the top of Fornell's furry hat through the brush and a flash of color about twenty feet in front of him, both moving fast. Running now and keeping quiet as to not tip off the suspect, Gibbs plotted an intercept course.

Fornell and suspect number two were in the dry creek bed, about four feet lower than the surrounding terrain. That gave Gibbs an advantage and he used it to make a flying tackle at the suspect. They went down hard, Gibbs cursing when his knee hit a rock, but he didn't let go of the other man. Fornell arrived and between the two of them they got handcuffs on him.

"Damn, he's a big sucker, Jethro." Fornell was leaning forward, his hands braced on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. "How'd you track us?"

Gibbs was a little out of breath, too, but refused to give any visible sign, instead pointing at Fornell's hat to give himself a few more seconds to just breathe. Eventually he could talk and breathe at the same time. "Figured it was either you or a rabid rabbit."

"Funny, Jethro. Real funny."


Tim felt a sharp pain when Moore slammed into him and the knife slashed down again. Trying to block that out, he held on as Moore tried to move back from him enough to take another swing. He really wasn't trying to physically engage the other man, but prevent him from even seeing the civilian in the tent. With any luck, he could keep his attacker busy and confined to the back area of the tent so that Kyle could grab the keys and make a run for it.

Unfortunately, as they struggled for control of the knife they ended up in the middle of the tent. Moore looked up to see his brother over McGee's shoulder. "You? You're the one that set me up?"

Kyle had been frozen in shock, but the accusation got a reaction from him. "Conner, what are you doing? Are you crazy?"

"You bastard, you betrayed me." Moore was able to lunge forward enough to corner his brother. Tim hung on, but wasn't able to get the upper hand. All he was able to do was to prevent Moore from actually grabbing Kyle while he heard Gibbs calling to him through the communication system.


"Where's your guy?" Fornell was debating the best way to drag his suspect back to camp.

Gibbs pointed back the direction he'd come. "Handcuffed him to a tree, duct tape over his mouth so he wouldn't make any noise."

"You have duct tape with you?" Rolling his eyes, Fornell held his hand out and Gibbs handed it over. It was probably a little less than half a roll and the cardboard had been taken out of it to make it compact.

While Fornell tore off a piece of the sturdy tape, Gibbs started to drag the suspect to the nearest tree that would hold him so he could cuff him to the tree. "Try to raise McGee, I think my transmitter isn't working."

They heard a sound behind them. "Shiiittt...."

"Hell, that's DiNozzo."

"Go, I'll take care of this guy and catch up with you."


Tim shoved Moore off of him. "It's over, Moore. You're under arrest."

"Like hell, fed." With a roar, Moore head-butted McGee, knocking him back down onto the tent floor before reaching for his gun, ready to end it. "Couldn't keep your nose our of my stuff, could you, Kyle?"

"No!" Kyle instinctively threw his hand up over his face just as Tim grabbed Moore's leg and pulled hard, bringing him back down with a thud, the smuggler's gun flying out of his hand while Tim tried to pull his own weapon.

"Damn it." Moore kicked hard at Tim, catching the side of his head before rolling to try and reach his revolver, Kyle still caught between them and any chance of escape.


"DiNozzo, where are you?" Gibbs crashed through the brush, knowing both of his boys were in trouble. He sent up a quick prayer that Tim had managed to get out and was safely driving away in Gibbs' truck.

"Boss? Boss, here."

When he heard the panicked tone in Tony's voice, Gibbs pushed himself even harder, shedding his coat when it caught in the brambles. "Hang on, I'm coming. I'm coming"


Tony let out a short yell as he felt the ground give way under his feet. Airborne for a split second, he twisted and frantically tried to grab at something, anything, to stop his fall. His fingers wrapped around a root, breaking his fall. The root wasn't strong enough and it gave way a second later, but he had time to reach a larger root sticking out of the side of the ravine.

He felt heavier than he should and realized that the suspect had stopped his own fall by latching onto Tony's legs. Breathing hard through his mouth, Tony tried to take stock of his situation. He actually wasn't too far down, but far enough that he would probably need help getting back up. At least if he were going to get the suspect back up to solid ground with him. Going down wasn't a much better option as the dirt was loose and crumbling away from the ravine wall with no further roots to use as footholds. The large rocks at the bottom meant that even a controlled fall would result in injury or worse.

Tony felt the suspect start to struggle. "Damn it, hold still. You want to kill us both?"

Dull brown eyes looked up at him. Tony saw the effects of meth on a face that showed too many miles for his years. Even if he were armed, he couldn't do anything without killing himself, so Tony felt reasonably safe for the moment. Up above, he heard a familiar voice, further away than he hoped.

"DiNozzo, where are you?"

"Thank God." Tony took a deep breath so he could yell. "Boss? Boss, here."

Below him, the suspect started to struggle and Tony tried to get him to calm down. "It's over, give it up, buddy."

The man didn't say anything so Tony kept talking. "Right now you're not in too deep. Agree to testify and you might walk away with just probation. Don't be stupid, man."

"Yeah, yeah, okay." He sagged for a moment, then started to climb up Tony's body. Tony braced as well as he could to give him a stable platform to climb. They did all right until the suspect was high enough to see the SIG tucked in Tony's shoulder holster.

"Don't do it, man." Tony tried to turn enough to put the weapon out of reach, but he ended up slipping a few inches. "No." He could hear Gibbs coming, but didn't know if he'd get there in time.

"I'm coming."

"Boss, hurry." The bark tore at his hands as they struggled - the suspect to get Tony's gun, while Tony fought to hang onto the roots keeping them up. "Boss!"


"Don't do it, man."

Gibbs knew Tony had bigger troubles that the ravine and pulled his gun. "I'm coming."

"Boss, hurry. Boss!"

Gibbs broke through the brush, skidding to a stop before he went over the edge himself. Looking over the edge, he could see Tony about ten feet away and several feet down. Tony was hanging onto a large branch while he was also tried to keep his attacker from pulling his service weapon out of the holster. Gibbs didn't have a good line on the suspect, but the roots were pulling away from the dirt and they were out of time.


The shout was enough to get the suspect to look up at Gibbs but not enough to get him to give it up. When Gibbs saw his fingers tighten on the grip of the SIG, Gibbs didn't hesitate. Not willing to risk Tony by shooting at the center of the suspect's body, he caught him high on the shoulder.

The shot would not have been fatal, but the fall was as the suspect hit the rocks head first. Under normal circumstances, the sound would have stayed with Gibbs a long time, but he immediately dismissed it as he scrambled to reach Tony. Laying flat on the ground, he wiggled to the very edge right over his man. "Tony, take my hand."

Tony reached up, but he was short of Gibbs' hand. "Don't think..."

Gibbs managed to gain another two inches, but the ground was starting to crumble. "You can do it, Tony. Hurry, Tim's in trouble."

"McGee?" Tony gave a shout and heaved himself up enough to grab Gibbs' hand. For a second Gibbs wasn't sure his shoulder would take the strain, but they held on to each other and Tony slowly made his way up. "What happened?"

"I don't know, I've lost radio contact with him."

In the distance they head a gun shot.



They both started running, knowing that no matter what, they'd be too late.

ncis, gen, camping, fiction

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