Dance of Swords 2/?

Jul 24, 2010 09:39

Staring at the phone in her hand, Jenny wasn't aware of the commotion on the other side of the desk as Ziva helped Gibbs and Tony with the clean up. "He hung up on me."

"Perhaps you frightened him, Director."

"Ya' think, David?" Gibbs gave up on his coffee soaked shirt and took Tony's cup away from him before he asked any questions, just to be safe. "What in the hell is going on and why didn't we know about it?" He slapped at Tony's hand when he reached for his cup. Ziva threw her hands up in the air, almost knocking the cup out of Gibbs'

"Tony, stop it. You do not even like coffee."

Jenny shook her head at their antics and tried to stay serious. "A group of terrorists took over the Hotel Clarington over the weekend. The FBI chose to handle the matter without the involvement of any other agencies."

"Unless you count our agent who happened to get trapped inside."

She tipped her head in acknowledgment of Gibbs' rather droll comment. "Unless you count McGee."

"And how in the heck did he end up there? I mean we're talking about Probie."

Staring at the coffee stained carpet, Cynthia took DiNozzo's cup away from Gibbs as she gave a smirk. "Some women like that sweet and innocent baby face look." She reached out and closed Tony's mouth with the tip of her finger. "The boy just screams 'mother me', haven't you noticed?"

With a last smirk, Cynthia sashayed out of the room as the other two women struggled not to laugh.

Tony immediately turned to Gibbs. "This is April first, right? It's all some crazy joke, Abby put them up to it. I mean, mother him, really?"

When Tony turned to her for confirmation, Ziva shrugged, not looking him in the eye. "There is a certain appeal to his innocence, I must admit."

Feeling the strain on his face muscles, Gibbs tried to turn their attention back onto the case. "What do we know about what happened at the hotel this weekend?"

Jenny couldn't look any of them in the eye at first as she transitioned back into a serious mode. "All that I've been told so far is that a group of terrorists took over the Hotel Clarington while the hotel was hosting a private convention. The featured guests of the convention were the two daughters of Ambassador Mehmet. Agent McGee was inside when the terrorists made their move. Right now, that is all I know. The rest will have to wait for Fornell and McGee to arrive, so we will wait."

"But belly dancers?"

"Give it a rest, DiNozzo."


Four expectant faces looked up when Cynthia led in Fornell and a very battered looking Timothy McGee. The young man's shirt was shredded and singed, his jacket was missing, scrapes and bandages were visible, but most notable were the lipstick marks scattered over his face. McGee was seriously tilting as Tobias struggled to keep him upright. "Little help here?"

Tony jumped up and grabbed McGee's other arm. As they steered him to the nearest chair, Fornell explained the current problem. "He's had some sort of reaction between the painkillers he was given at the hospital and what they gave him in the field. He'll be fine, it just needs to wear off."

Cynthia stepped around them and handed a bag to Gibbs. "I already called, and Dr. Mallard is on his way up to check him over." Gibbs nodded as he checked the contents of the bag. McGee's SIG Sauer was in there, along with his damaged badge. The fresh smell of gunpowder still lingered on the weapon, telling that it had been recently fired. The two empty clips told that it had been repeatedly fired.

They got him in the chair and Tony squatted down in front of him to keep him steady, shaking his head as he took a good look at the younger man. "Really, Probie, belly dancers?"

Fornell rubbed his face. "And bombs, let's not forget the bombs."

"How can we? We never heard about them." Despite the circumstances, Gibbs did not look amused.

McGee tilted his head back to look at Gibbs looming over him. "Bombs, boss. Big bombs, big booms, boobs, booms?" He started to tilt again and both Gibbs and DiNozzo reached out and caught him. Tony started laughing.

"Man, McGee, why have I never gotten you drunk before?"

Wishing she could sneak a little bit of bourbon into her coffee, Jenny tried to take control of the situation. "Agent McGee, why don't you start at the beginning and tell us exactly what happened."

Ziva couldn't resist as she leaned forward. "Yes, McGee, tell us what those women did to you. The ones with the big... boobs, or was it booms?"

"Oh, my." Ducky looked the group over, wondering exactly what he had walked into.

Abby was much more vocal in her curiosity. "Wow, guys, so this is the kind of conversation you have up here? I gotta get out of my lab more often. So, what's with the booming boobs and why'd you take Fornell with you instead of Tony?"

"Bombs, Miss Sciuto, bombs that go boom. I didn't get in on the boobs. "

Jenny couldn't let that one go. "I'm very sorry, Agent Fornell. Would you like me to bring that up with your Director?"

"Um, that's okay, really." Fornell rubbed his face, wishing that he'd followed his first instinct and left McGee at the gate with a note pinned to his chest.

"As you were saying, Probie?" Tony slapped his hands on Tim's knees to get him back on track.

Tim nodded as he frowned, trying to focus and remember. "I was with my troupe while they were practicing and..."

"Wait, what? You have your own troupe?" Tony looked over at Gibbs, trying and failing miserably not to whine. "Boss, he has his own troupe of belly dancers."

He slapped Tim's knees again, this time harder. "Man, Probie, did you mother never teach you to share?"

The headslap came from Gibbs, but Fornell and Jenny joined in to yell at him.


ncis, humor, dance of swords, pg-13, fiction

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