Dance of Swords cpt 1 - Prologue

Jul 23, 2010 14:18

Title: Dance of Swords
Rating: pg13
Genre: Humor, Case Fic, Angst, H/C
Summary:  Will Tony ever recover from the shock when McGee is caught up in a situation the senior agent only dreamed of?  It was a dirty job, but somebody had to do it.
Warnings:  Put the drink down.
Spoilers:  None, set sometime after Twisted Sister but before the end of season 5.
Disclaimer:  If I owned them, they'd be having a lot more fun.  Alas, I don't so they aren't.

Dance of Swords

Monday Morning

Jenny Shepard waved them into the office while she was on the phone. Tony, Ziva and Gibbs glanced at each other before taking the chairs Cynthia was pulling up across from the large desk. Gibbs was too busy waiting for her to ask where McGee was. It was fifty minutes past the start of the workday and they hadn't seen nor heard from the least experienced member of the team. Remembering when McGee had been trying to protect his sister, he'd even checked his email, but there was nothing from him.

Deciding to let the chips fall where they may, Gibbs turned his attention to the call. Jenny was getting more aggravated as the call continued.

"Agent Fornell, national security aside, we should have been notified the moment you realized one of our agents was involved, not three day later."

Gibbs sat up straight as Tony and Ziva shifted behind him. Suddenly, the absence of the fourth member of the team took on a whole new meaning. She continued to berate the FBI agent on the other end of the call as Gibbs itched for her to put the call on speaker so he could know what had happened to his missing man.

"I don't consider that an excuse."

Fornell's words were muffled, but the CYA tone could be heard.

"I don't know about your agency, but the Ambassador does not make policy for NCIS."

Since he wasn't the one in trouble this time, Tony settled in to listen to the show.

"Agent McGee is not an expert in Counter-Terrorism tactics."

Ziva leaned forward, concerned.

"He is not a sniper."

Gibbs prepared to reach out and grab the phone out of Jenny's hand.

"And it was dangerous and foolhardy to leave him in the situation alone, with no back up."

Cynthia came in with coffee, hoping to defuse the building tension in the room. Jenny appeared to be gearing up to something, judging from the death grip she had on her pen.

"Agent Fornell, I expect you to accompany Agent McGee here to NCIS and to personally explain to his team leader exactly how he suffered those injuries while you and your people sat in the parking lot, watching on a monitor and..."

Tony took a large sip of the coffee as he watched Gibbs' hand tighten dangerously around his own cup.

"I especially want to see you explain to Agent DiNozzo..."

Tony straightened up...

"Exactly how his junior partner..."

He took another large mouthful of coffee...

"Ended up as the only man locked in a belly dancing convention with sixty-five women."

...and sprayed it over Gibbs.

ncis, humor, dance of swords, pg-13, fiction

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