Paradox of Love chapter 10

Jun 14, 2013 07:09

Curious as hell, Gibbs watched as the two men dug out their tools. The caulking gun was pretty standard, but then Tony pulled a large, handmade device out from under the deck. It was round, with an unmounted tire laying flat on it. There was a long foot pedal that was attached to ropes and a counter weight. "That's your doohickey?"

"Yep, Tim built it for me." With his head in the lean-to, pulling out the ax, Tony didn't notice the expression on Gibbs' face as he walked around the unknown tool.

Gibbs was vaguely aware of McGee grinning from where he sat on the porch, loading a tube of caulk into the dispenser, and Tony sounded quite pleased with his gift from the younger man. Curious, Gibbs cautiously stepped on the pedal and watched as the counterweight moved and the tire and its base rotated. It would take multiple compressions on the pedal for the tire to make a complete revolution, but Gibbs still didn't know what it was designed for. He was just getting ready to ask when Tony emerged from the lean-to with the strangest wood ax Gibbs had ever seen. "What the heck is that?"

While Gibbs had been playing with Tony's pride and joy, Tim had quietly picked up a medium sized log from the wood stack and now set it inside the tire. Grinning, Tony went to work, setting up a rhythm of swinging the ax and pressing on the foot pedal to rotate the log as he chopped. In what seemed to be only a matter of seconds, the entire log was cut into even pieces, ready for the fireplace.

Not saying a word, Gibbs held his hand out and with a knowing grin, Tony handed him the ax before turning his attention to the wood that was ready to be stacked. Gibbs looked at the design carefully before hefting it in his hands. Different from any chopping tool he'd ever seen, the blade was offset from the handle and continued up past the handle into what looked like a wide, flat hook.

Tony placed another log in the holder and when he saw the look on Gibbs' face, stepped back to let the older man try his hand at handling the unusual ax.

Gibbs tried a few practice swings as Tony unloaded the holder. Despite the odd shape, or because of it, it swung easily. When he saw Tony drop another log in to be chopped, Gibbs stepped closer, not relinquishing his prize. Tony didn't seem too surprised and just grinned as he stepped back. At the first hit, Gibbs was surprised because it rolled in his hands as the blade made contact, but as it did, the hook helped wedge the chopped section away from the rest of the log while the tire kept the pieces in place. Realizing now what the 'doohickey' was for, Gibbs stepped on the pedal to rotate the log as he continued to chop. Not having to pry the pieces apart or chase the ones that flew made the process incredibly fast and Gibbs quickly found his rhythm. The first log he chopped with the strange set up wasn't as fast as Tony had chopped, but Gibbs was grinning from ear to ear by the time he was done.

From where he was caulking the window frame on that side of the house, Tim laughed. "Tony, I think we've got Gibbs' Christmas present figured out."

Gibbs' grin grew even wider. "With a doohickey, right? Come on, DiNozzo, give me another log."

The two men switched off every couple of logs, taking turns chopping and lugging. Before Tim was halfway finished with the caulking, they'd managed to chop up the entire stack of logs. They had been chopping too fast to properly stack the pieces, so they started on that, catching their breath. Tim was nearby, so Gibbs used the opportunity to speak to Tony about what Tim had talked to him about earlier.

"Do you miss the beer?"

Tony knew exactly what Gibbs was referring to. "Nah, I'd miss him a hell of a lot more. Besides, he was right, I was leaning on it too much."

Gibbs gave a slow nod. Even if they never actually made it into bed, he'd learned more about his boys in that one day than in all the years they'd worked together. "Not all he was right about. I should have told you before, should have told you right up front."

Tony stilled as he gave Gibbs his full attention. Knowing how important this was, Gibbs pushed on. "What happened to Jenny wasn't your fault. I knew it right from the get-go, I was just too damned pissed at her for pulling such a stupid stunt. I couldn't see past that for a long time. She was sick, Tony, dying, and she had to do it on her terms. Nothing you could have done to stop that."

"Sick? She was sick?" Tony turned and sat down hard on the edge of the deck.

Gibbs thought back to another important woman in his life and how she'd died. "My mom got sick when I was a kid, little older than you were when you lost your mom. When she knew that she was terminal, she took her own life - wanted to die before she became a burden, so that we'd remember her healthy and strong."

Tony nodded, then shrugged. "My mom was sick for a long time before she died. I guess that's the way I remember her, but she made sure that we had a lot of good memories before the end. The truth is, there's no easy answer, is there, Boss?"

"Nope." Gibbs sat down next to Tony, pausing for a moment as Tim sat on Tony's other side. "That's the kind of decision no one else can make for you and the ones left behind just have to make their own peace with it."

Tim leaned against Tony, wrapping his fingers around Tony's, but he was looking at both of them. Gibbs had one hand on Tony's shoulder and reached with his other for Tim's free hand as they listened to Tim's explanation. "It's kind of like when Vance split us up. It had nothing to do with any of us, it was part of a bigger picture that we knew nothing about at first. It hurt all of us, but we were never the real targets."

Tony thought about it for a moment. "Would have been easier to sit on that aircraft carrier all those months if I'd known the real reason."

"Yeah." Tim had his own confession. "I'd have probably been more willing to report what was happening at the Yard if I'd know earlier. At least, I'd have gone to Gibbs."

They sat there for a long while before the breeze changed direction, bringing cooler air from off the creek. Getting hungry, Tony made a decision for the group. "Now that the work is all done, what do you say we pack a quick picnic and walk down to the creek?"


Sandwiches, chips, apples and a few water bottles were thrown into a bag and the three of them set off down the faint path. Nothing had been scraped or leveled, but the foot traffic was enough to show Gibbs the way. "How often do you come out here?"

Tim answered for the pair. "We were coming out here every time we had a couple of days off. While I was in Cybercrimes, I was out here pretty much every weekend, finished the kitchen the weekend before I got moved back upstairs."

"Now I know who to call when I need a hand around my place." Gibbs clapped them both on the back, looking around as they led him toward the creek. As they walked, Tony filled him in on the property lines and what they had there. The property didn't have enough acreage to make them totally isolated, but it felt that way.

Arriving at the creek, Gibbs nodded in appreciation. It probably didn't have many fish year round, but it would be worth bringing a pole with him the next time he was here. The water meandered, a beaver dam slowing it down and leaving a section deep enough to at least splash around in, if not swim. The land near the creek had a stair-step feel to it, left behind as the creek changed paths over hundreds of years, and a large tree sat well above the water. He could imagine spending a hot afternoon lazing in the shadow of that tree and since that was where Tim and Tony were headed, they'd apparently had the same thought a time or two.

Coming closer to the tree, Gibbs could see a well worn spot between two of the larger roots. As Tony spread a blanket out and Tim opened the food, Gibbs spotted some evidence on the underside of a few leaves. "Seen some action here?"

Tony grinned and waggled his eyebrows. "You know what one of the best things is about having a geek for a lover?" He grinned even wider and didn't wait for Gibbs to figure it out. "He researches everything."

It took Gibbs a few seconds to figure out what Tony meant. "He's... creative?"

"You have no idea."

Tim blushed slightly, but he had a rather smug look on his face as he handed Tony a water bottle and Gibbs found his body stirring at the heated looks between the two younger men. "I'm looking forward to finding out." It was quite warm and Gibbs was feeling overdressed, so he tugged off his shirt before accepting a sandwich.

They ate in silence, enjoying the peaceful setting. Tossing the apple cores into the bushes for the critters and returning the rest of the trash to the bag, Gibbs found himself laying down on the blanket, with each of his boys resting on him. Running a hand up and down each of their backs, Gibbs relished the feel of their breath subtly stirring his chest hair. For the first time in longer than he'd ever admit, Gibbs found himself wanting to talk.

"I used to fantasize about this. Sometimes about you." He hugged Tony a little closer before repeating the action with Tim. "Sometimes about you."

"Did you ever fantasize about the two of us at the same time?"

"Oh, yeah."

Encouraged by the lustful look on Tony's face, Tim continued. "You thought about finding us together, watching us as we pleasured each other?"

He actually hadn't gotten too far into details, but now the picture was in his mind. "Fuck."

Tony had shifted his leg enough that he could feel the bulge growing in Gibbs' jeans. "Remember those dirty stories I told you we'd tell each other? Timmy's still writing, but under another name and I help name the characters now."

Gibbs had to spread his legs as he groaned. This was beyond his wildest dreams, laying there with Tony and Tim draped over him, his thighs pressed against both of their groins, feeling their thickening shafts against his legs while his own cock was obvious under the straining denim he wore. He let his fingers trail further down their bodies until he was able to work them under the waistbands of their cutoffs. "Tell me a story, Tim. Tell me about finding you and Tony together."

As he expected, Tim looked at Tony, gaining confidence from the expression on the other man's face. "We'd tried so hard to get your attention." Tim continued to look over at Tony, who knew exactly which story he was going to tell and smiled as he remembered.

"We got tired of waiting. You weren't supposed to be back in town so we went over to your house and snuck in. Figured if we couldn't have you, doing it on your bed would be the next best thing."

Gibbs' big head knew it was a fantasy, but his other head reported right in. "Did I come home early?"

Tim's whole face lit up with a smile as Gibbs played along, but it was Tony that answered. "Yeah, you did. Timmy was being so mean to me, Boss. We were sucking each other and he was playing with my butt plug and he'd stop sucking to tell me that it was really you fucking me."

"Yeah? Did you want me to fuck you, Tony? Did you want my cock in your ass?" Part of Gibbs couldn't believe how easily he'd fallen into the scene, while the rest of him was ready to reenact the scene right then. He compromised by moving his hand to rub Tony's cleft through his tiny cut-offs with one hand while the other started squeezing McGee's ass.

"Yeah, Boss. You buried in my ass, Tim's sweet mouth wrapped around my dick, doesn't get much better than that."

Tim picked up the story from there, shifting a little so he could look Gibbs in the eye. "He did, he sure did. I barely had to touch the plug and he was fucking himself with it. I just had to hang onto it. We were on your bed, in a 69. Tony's ass was to the door and I was under him, so I saw you leaning against the door frame." Breaking off for a moment, Tim became adventurous and pressed the palm of his hand against Gibbs' cock. Gibbs hissed and tried to press up against him, but Tim went back to the story.

"You were rubbing yourself and then you unzipped your pants and took your cock out."

Gibbs thought about putting action to word, but that would have meant letting go of them. Before he could figure it out, Tony shifted his leg again so that it was rubbing firmly against Gibbs' groin and Tim's hand slid up to start playing with one of his nipples. The dual sensation was enough to drive Gibbs wild, but not enough to get him off. Needing more, he nudged Tim along.

"Was I fisting my dick?"

"Oh, yeah, you were. The head of your cock was all wet, even your fingers were wet by the time you walked over to the bed. You let me lick your fingers clean before Tony even realized you were there. He almost came when you asked him if he was ready for the real thing."

With his eyes half closed, Gibbs could picture the whole thing. "What happened next?"

"Tony was begging you to take him and you were teasing him, taking your own sweet time. Even let me suck you clean before you rolled on a condom. When you were all ready, I pulled Tony's butt plug out and you slid right in. I had a pair of balls in each hand and I wouldn't let either of you come until Tony was absolutely babbling."

"Did we make him babble?"

"Oh, yeah." Feeling carefree in a way he'd never thought possible, Tim grinned at Tony before looking up at Gibbs who was staring at the dried semen on the overhead branch. "And now you're wondering just what I do to Tony to make him shoot that far."

Tony burst out laughing at the expression on Gibbs' face. "I think we should show the man, Probie. What do you think?"

Gibbs answered before Tim could even open his mouth. "Hell yeah."

The ax in slow motion:


Tony's doohickey:

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