Apple of my Eye 1/3

Jul 08, 2011 11:06

Title: Apple of my Eye
Genre: Gen, Humor, future McGive if you squint
Rating: PG 13
Summary: Just when you thought you knew someone...
Notes: Written for the Addentures in Babysitting Challenge

Apple of my Eye

"Damn, one of those little monsters bit me."  Tony DiNozzo came storming out of the back elevator just as Director Vance came around the corner with two visitors.  It was only some fancy footwork that prevented a collision in the middle of the squad room.

"DiNozzo."  Vance held up a warning hand to prevent the younger man from saying anything.  "I'd like you to meet Saul and Gretchen Nyler, the grandparents of our guests."

The short, plump woman clucked as she pulled Tony's bandaged hand close.  "You poor dear, Matthew is the biter of the twins, I"m afraid.  He didn't mean any harm, really."

"Has Dr. Mallard checked your hand, Agent DiNozzo?"  It was expertly wrapped, but he wanted to make sure.

"Yes, Director, I just came from there."

"All right, while I discuss the boys' situation with their grandparents, you start working on your report.  Where have they been moved?"

"Interrogation room three, Sir."  Tony gingerly touched the gauze on his hand.  "No windows to break and the table is bolted to the floor."

Vance couldn't wait for Gibbs to get back from the courthouse.  "Who's watching the twins now?"

"McGee, Sir."  Tony rushed to explain when he saw the look on the Director's face.  "He offered."

The front elevator chimed, this time delivering Gibbs as he stormed into the squad room.  "What in the hell is going on. Leon?  Henry said a chair was thrown out the conference room window."

Vance sighed as he rubbed his forehead, he was pretty sure the Director of the CIA never had days like this.  "Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs Nyler have temporary custody of their twin grandsons while their daughter and son-in-law are both deployed.  The boys managed to get themselves in a bit of trouble at Quantico today."

"Define a bit."

"Well," Vance smothered a smile.  Parts of the adventure had been rather amusing, at least until the twin terrors had arrived in his building.  "There were the forty-five white mice they released in Bruce Hall in the middle of a luncheon hosted by General Smythe's wife.  During the chaos they managed to sneak off with several large chunks of dry ice and set off an explosion with it that managed to get the attention of the FBI's teams that were on base for training."

That did explain the phone call he'd received from Fornell as he walked out of the courthouse.   "Sounds like it was a busy morning."

Vance gave a shake of his head.  "That was just the warm up.  Then they managed to breech security and get into base operations.  Do you have any idea what kind of a ruckus it caused when they let over ten thousand ladybugs loose in the ducts leading to the computer rooms?"

A gray eyebrow started migrating north.  "Ten thousand?  At least we don't have to worry about aphids now."

"Not funny, Gibbs.  I'm on my way downstairs to release the boys to their grandparents.  Why don't you join us?"

Judging from the look on Vance's face, it wasn't exactly a request, and Gibbs followed, listening to the grandparents apologize over and over for the trouble the twins had managed to cause.  He didn't need to see them interacting with the boys to know that they were in over their heads and didn't have a clue how to manage until the parents returned home.  Listening to them, Gibbs didn't know what to expect when they arrived in the observation room, but he was sure it wasn't this.

Through the window, two red-headed boys could be seen, quietly sitting at the table, both industriously working on what appeared to be homework.  Tim McGee was standing behind them, nodding as he talked them through some math that Gibbs suspected was very advanced for their age.

Mr. Nyler caught Gibbs' attention when he leaned over to whisper in Vance's ear.  "I've never seen them this quiet.  That young man in there with them, do you ever rent him out?"

Gibbs bit back a snort and turned to Ziva, the other occupant in the observation room.  She was watching McGee, with a predatory gleam in her eyes.  "Not that I'm complaining, but why aren't they eating him alive?"

Ziva smiled as her hand fluttered over the neckline of her shirt, a habit he'd noticed when she'd been attracted to a man, not something he'd ever associated with McGee.  "He was very... masterful with them..."

"McGee?  Our McGee?"  The eyebrow shot up once again.

"Yes, and..."

The eyebrow was still gaining altitude as Gibbs watched her blush.  "And?"

She looked at Gibbs before tucking her hair behind her ear.  "I never realized just how powerful his hands were."

The eyebrow continued to climb.  "McGee's hands?"

Looking as baffled as Gibbs felt, Vance pushed the intercom button.  "Agent McGee, the boys' grandparents are here to take them home."  There was a moment of chaos in the small room before McGee cleared his throat, instantly reigning them back in.

It took a concerted effort on Gibbs' part to not let his mouth drop open.  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a similar reaction from Vance, while the grandparents seemed to be viewing the mild-mannered agent as their new savior.

Tim's voice came through the speaker calmly.  "Thank you, Director Vance.  The boys have given me a detailed explanation as to how they were able to bypass security, and we've set up a plan for them to work off the damages they caused.  Base command has already signed off, we just need yours and the grandparent's approval."

The five people in the observation room watched as the boys packed away their work in their backpacks and quietly followed McGee out into the hallway.  The grandparents were watching the boys, while Vance and Gibbs were dividing their attention between the boys, McGee, and Ziva, who was almost purring as she followed McGee's every move.

Vance opened the door, allowing the elderly couple to step out to greet their grandchildren.  Once the civilians were distracted, Vance leaned close to Gibbs, unconsciously mimicking the grandfather's actions only a few minutes earlier.  "I'll walk them out, you hose down David before she ignites and  get the surveillance tape, then meet me in my office.  Let's figure out exactly how McGee managed this."

ncis, gen, humor, pg-13

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