Almost forgot that I did this meme! Just neglected to finish posting the photos AFTER uploading them. Also, you're welcome to ask for more pictures/explanations if anything begs further investigation ^^.
Ask me to take pictures of any aspect of my life that you're interested in/curious about - it can be anything from my favorite shirt to my books or my home. Leave your request as a comment to this entry, I'll snap the pictures and post them in a post. That way, you get to know a little bit about my life.
purplerainbow and
handsomespeck asked for pictures of my bookshelf and my DVD collection. Alas, I don't have a CD collection, but here are (some of) my books:
And here's my DVD collection:
lilka asked for my favourite shoes:
But as I couldn't find the second shoe for the above XD, here's my favourite PAIR of shoes:
idiosyncrasy_z asked for a picture of where I usually end up writing:
My computer desk! And here it is post-prep:
unavoidedcrisis asked for the roof. I can't get on top of mine as I live in flats, but you can see it from close enough :).
judo_creature and
cassiopeia7 asked for the prettiest part of my back yard; again, being flats, this isn't strictly speaking mine, and it's winter so it's not that pretty at the minute XD, but here you go:
neofox asked for something that inspires me. SMALL SCOPE THERE. XD, but yes, here's a few things from around where I live that do, starting with the view outside my workplace:
The road to the prison I live next to when it's silent at night:
My high-school yearbook (the one I made myself, not the official one):
My mum being the best mum in the world:
hiza_chan and
cassiopeia7 asked for my favorite mug:
handsomespeck and
prettybird asked for the inside of my fridge:
andremeese asked for my ideal bath and all of its products either in the shot or explained after.
First off, set the mood :D. I have a bath light that changes the water colour, and always, always, always have scented candles lying around to be put to good use when needed:
Second is, lay the base. BUBBLE BATH :D. Or bath bombs. Honey, vanilla, or sometimes something herby, depends on my mood:
Then I have to make sure all the things I'm using to scrub myself clean match each other, e.g. all vanilla, all honey, all sea-scents:
Aaaaaand finally, perfume afterwards. These are my favourites. I have about 32 different scents:
handsomespeck asked for the view from my favourite window, which would have to be a work window rather than one at my flat as taking pictures of the school across the road would be... odd:
cassiopeia7 asked for my guinea pigs! Bruce, sadly, is a camera shy little bugger, but Arnie isn't:
Bruce is less camera shy with company:
And he and Arnie do almost everything together, because they are adorable:
fahrenheit_f430 asked for the jar of mine that has the best stuff in it. DAMSON GIN ALL THE WAY:
Aaaaaand finally for this round,
oywidapoodles asked for my closet: