Blindfold repost time!

Jan 27, 2011 01:55

My fills this round were a bit lackluster, but I might as well claim them :).

Lost Myself Again - 2014!Cas/OMCs, 2014!Cas/2014!Dean, voyeurism, sloppy seconds

He was just - taking it.

Dean couldn't help staring through the shack's window, didn't stop to consider the possibility of getting caught watching. No denying it, that was Castiel stretched out on the bench, hands tied underneath it, mouth open for one guy's cock and his legs open for another. That was Castiel moaning like a whore when the guy in his mouth pulled away to jack off over his face, Castiel licking come from his lips and opening his mouth when another guy took over from the first, slick and sticky streaks all over his skin suggesting he'd been there for some time.

Dean knew he shouldn't have just watched, but Castiel was enjoying it from the look of things, and he didn't know what to do with that - he'd fantasised about Castiel so many times and here he was, stretched out and fucked silly, looking disappointed when the last guy finished and left.

Dean shouldn't have just watched, and he definitely shouldn't have climbed in through the window, walked over to where Castiel lay tied to the bench, and dragged his fingers down through the come stains on Castiel's abdomen, wrapping his hand around the angel's cock.

Castiel didn't say anything, licked his own swollen lips and cried out when Dean jerked hard. "You're such a slut, Cas," Dean said, looking for a spot of clean skin and pressing his lips to it when he found it, a quick kiss just under Castiel's collarbone. "How many cocks did you take? Five? Six?" Dean let go of Castiel's cock, watched his eyes close as Dean slid a hand between his legs, two fingers slipping into his ass so easily he had to add a third to get any grip. "Feels like ten."

"Dean, please -"

"You trying to beat Balthazar's record?" Dean asked, unzipping his jeans and lifting Castiel's hips up, letting his cock rest against Castiel's ass. "How many, Cas? Twelve? Thirteen?"

"Nine," Castiel gasped. "They, I need -"

"Always overdoing it," Dean said, pushing in, hot and slick, sliding two fingers in alongside his cock so he could get some friction going. "Fuck, could jerk off in you and you wouldn't feel it -"

"I would, always," Castiel gasped, pushing back against him, almost frantic. "You, I'd know -"

"Shut the fuck up, Cas," Dean interrupted, rubbing the two fingers he had in Castiel's ass up and down his cock as he fucked the angel, wondering if he could fit his whole fist up there once he was done fucking him and starting to come at the thought alone.

Once he would have balked at even the idea of sex with an angel, but the world ending had made him reconsider a fair few things, morals being the least of them. Whether Castiel wanted to try fisting or not, he didn't know.

He didn't really care anymore, either.

Irresistable, Ruby/Jo, noncon, toys

The demon above her keeps smiling, black eyes unreadable on what should have been a beautiful face, running her fingers over the ropes tying Jo to the bed.

"Little girls shouldn't walk alone in strange places," she says, before cupping Jo's breasts. "But you're not very little, are you?"

"Fuck you," Jo tries to say, but the gag in her mouth muffles it, and the demon smirks, grips Jo's shirt in both hands and starts ripping it apart, some buttons slipping loose and some flying off in all directions. The demon sneers at her bra, tears the lace off the left cup before seeming to reconsider doing the same to the right cup; Jo stared up at the ceiling, careful not to watch, not to think about what the demon was doing, trying not to shake with fear as the demon's lips closed around her right nipple through the remaining lace of her bra. Tried not to think about sharp teeth and sharp knives, or the stinging, involuntary arousal between her legs.

The demon's lips were hot and wet, and Jo kept on fighting against the urge to respond; these were stolen lips, this was rape, she hadn't asked for this, she didn't want it.

"Big girls get big girl toys," the demon said, unbuttoning and unzipping Jo's pants, easing them down her legs. "Are you ready to play yet?"

"Fuck you, fucking die," Jo muttered, tears falling as two, maybe three fingers slipped between her thighs, brushing against the folds of her.

"I think you've been playing already," the demon said, grinning, pulling her fingers away before wiping them down Jo's cheek, climbing off the bed for a moment.

The vibrator was horrifically normal, the sort of thing Jo would have used if she ever needed one, and Jo tried to press her thighs together as tight as she could but the ropes were too tight, burning her ankles as she fought for slack.

"Good friends share," the demon said, licking the surface of the bullet before turning it on and pressing it between Jo's legs, flat against her cunt, the vibrations strangely numbing at first. It was almost a relief - a short lived one as the demon pushed it up inside her where the vibrations had her wriggling, trying to get away, unable to fight against the fingers holding it in place and the thumb lazily rubbing circles around her clit. "First to come has to clean up all our toys."

Jo didn't want to come, not like this, not at the hands of this bitch, this monster, but she was only human; the shame of it had tears streaming down her face, even as her clenching and twisting stopped being a fight against the pleasure and turned into a fight for more.

The demon's free hand returned to her exposed breast, pinching and twisting at her nipple, and she arched up, fucking herself against the demon's fingers and the toy, the vibrations too much, everything too much to resist.

"Good girl," the demon cooed, coaxing slickness out of Jo as she fucked her fingers, coming hard and unwillingly, almost relieved as the vibrator slid out of her. "Very good girl."

The demon switched off the vibrator and pulled Jo's gag down, shoving the wet, salt-tasting toy between her lips.

"Now clean up."

Unstable, Sam/Cas: wing!fic, bondage (kind of), orgasm control/denial

"What happened to you?"

"Fell down some stairs."

"When we're staying on the first floor."

"I'm clumsy that way.

It was getting harder and harder to come up with decent excuses for the bumps and bruises sex with Castiel caused. It wasn't Castiel's fault exactly - angel sex involved flight, human sex didn't involve wings, and after the whole nephilim incident angel-on-human sex had been forbidden, so Castiel's sex education didn't have much room for non-winged partners. Castiel didn't have much of a choice about the wings either - arousal made them take shape in the real world.

Letting Castiel ride him would have been fine if it weren't for the fact Castiel's wings flicked out when he came, and when Sam couldn't stop laughing at having Castiel take flight mid-orgasm he had to deal with a month-long sex-free sulk.

Castiel on his back crushed the wings, and Castiel on his knees put him far too close to the wings - not that Sam didn't like them, just that he was well aware that a swan could break a grown man's arm, so God only knew what angel wings would do.

Thankfully, even if Sam had been stumped for ideas, Castiel used all the frustration of their often thwarted sex life to power his creative streak, and it was a good thing Castiel presented him with the ropes before he had anything resembling an erection, else he'd probably have jizzed in his pants the second he realised what they were for.

Being ridden by Castiel, before the accidental flight, had been great.

Being ridden by Castiel while the angel's wings and arms were bound behind his back was incredible. Castiel rode him like it was the only way he could come - and after a while, because he could be excused not catching on instantly when Castiel was fucking his brains out, he realised it was. The angle didn't let Castiel get much friction on his cock, and it was entirely up to Sam whether he touched Castiel or not.

Sam shut his eyes, thinking of shapeshifter skin, of sewers and dank basements, anything to help him hold back long enough.

"Sam," Castiel said, and Sam let out a puff of relief, didn't stop the running mental trailer of all things gross and unpleasant. "Sam," Castiel repeated, "Touch me."

Sam grinned, lifted his hands to brush down Castiel's sides. "Anything you say."

Sam wanted to look, wanted to catch Castiel's face, but he knew that was a recipe for disaster - he'd either end up laughing or coming too quickly, and he needed to make this last as long as he could. Holding back was worth the effort just for Castiel's frustrated snarl, a demand of, "Sam, touch my dick."

Sam winced; at some point he would have to expand on whatever vocabulary lessons Dean had been giving Castiel. "Ask nicely."

Castiel's breathing lost any rhythm it had, and Sam had to give in and open his eyes to see the angel plead. "Please," Castiel said, and Sam obeyed, gripped Castiel by the hip with one hand, took his cock in the other and started stroking. "Harder, Sam," Castiel ordered, not needing prompting before he added another, "Please -"

"I got you," Sam interrupted, even if that was only half true, the major part of him focused on and distracted by the fact he was so close to coming it hurt; it might have been cheating to take advantage of an erogenous zone he didn't possess himself, but he didn't want to leave Castiel hanging on the edge after he was through himself, and he shifted one hand from Castiel's hip to brush along the shaft connecting Castiel's left wing to his back.

In retrospect he would realise what a stupid idea that had been, but Sam was too caught up in orgasm to complain excessively about the black eye he received courtesy of Castiel's wings flicking out with enough force to render the ropes useless, the snapped end of a rope lashing across Castiel's side and his, leaving them with perfectly aligned whip marks.

Castiel didn't seem to mind either, given the fact he opted to bite down on Sam's neck hard enough to draw blood in an effort to keep silent.

"What the Hell is that?"

"I fell on a table. The edge of one. Hence the line."

"With your height and what, the coffee table?"

"I said I was clumsy."

I Would; Dean/Castiel, enema, oral

Castiel promised once that Dean could not disgust him - that he had seen everything humans could do, everything they were capable of, and Dean's fantasies held nothing he would judge.

Dean supposed that was why he kept pushing - he didn't believe he deserved that much trust, and was doing everything he could to get rid of it. He started small, jerking off onto Castiel's face, tying him down to the bed, and when that had met with acceptance he'd moved onto toys, to spanking and pinching and biting and marking, had rubbed his cock over every inch of Castiel's skin.

Castiel still hadn't left. Still hadn't fought him off, still hadn't said "No" or rejected him.

Dean had meant to stand and watch as Castiel held himself open in the shower, saline pushing down through the strapped up bag and into Castiel's ass, Castiel's expression more curious than uncomfortable.

He had meant to stand. He had dropped to his knees instead, wrapped an arm around Castiel's leg and pressed open-mouthed kisses to the flesh of his thigh.

"Dean, that's - that's distracting," Castiel said, tensing with the effort of holding in the liquid, and Dean closed his eyes for a moment, unable to believe that the angel allowed him this, allowed him control over the most ugly of human functions. "Dean, please -"

"Hold it in, Cas," Dean ordered. "I'll make it so good for you, I promise, I just - I need this," he admitted, naked under this much trust, and he moved up, pressed his ear to Castiel's stomach so he could hear the faint, grumbled complaint of his body trying to reject the liquid. "Fuck, Cas, I can't - you're not real, you can't be."

Castiel's fingers carded through his hair before dropping down under his chin and pushing up. "I died for you. Is it that hard to believe I want this?"

Dean didn't respond, didn't know how to, swapped his attention to Castiel's erection and licking at the head of it before drawing it between his lips, heat and salt and slickness he'd become familiar with over the last few months almost comforting. He knew what to do here, knew what made Castiel throw his head back, what made him twitch and what made him arch, the knife-edge that put him off when he wasn't far gone enough but had him screaming if he was.

He wondered at first what had Castiel keeping quiet, why he kept his breaths slow even if they were shivery, before he realised Castiel was trying to hold the liquid in even as Dean sucked him off.

Dean didn't let him know he could let go, dropped a hand between his own legs and started fucking into his own fist, moaning around Castiel's cock and licking up his own spit with Castiel's precome.

Castiel shouted out incoherently as he came, the contents of the enema forced out as his body worked through orgasm, clean as ever because he never ate, never drank, not unless Dean asked him to, hands tight in Dean's hair.

Dean didn't object to the angel fucking his throat given he was coming all over his own hands already.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Castiel gasped, and Dean pulled back after swallowing the last of the angel's come, smiled weakly.

"It's okay, you didn't have to -"

Castiel turned on the shower and knelt down in front of Dean, and it was too easy and too hard all at once to be guided into resting his head in the angel's lap as the shower did the hard work for them, cleaning both of them off. "I'm sorry," Castiel repeated, stroking down Dean's neck and touching his fingers to it, a quick burst of warmth healing whatever bruising he had left. "I don't know my limits."

"It's okay," Dean replied - repeated, really - letting himself be tamed for a moment under Castiel's hands. "I don't know mine either."

Castiel's hands stilled only a moment. "Do you want to find out?"

Dean didn't dare nod; despite that, he knew he didn't have to.

Heroes - Sam/Dean - Dark!boys, Death, caught-in-the-act

The story goes like this; it was an accident. John and Dean were having a screaming fight because John didn't want Sam to leave the family business and Dean didn't want to choose between them. John pulled out his gun, told Sam he was staying one way or the other. Dean was scared, he grabbed the gun, it discharged. These things happen.

They were kids who'd grown up without a mother, how were they supposed to know what to do? Running was the only way.

The story isn't quite true.

The drive through the desert is long and empty and perfect, silent roads the only peace Dean really knows. Sam has his head resting in Dean's lap, and Dean occasionally takes his eyes off the road to look at that, run his fingers through that ridiculous mop of dark hair.

There's no one on Earth more beautiful than his little brother, and he's always known it. Didn't dare say anything. Didn't dare believe someday he'd have to stop fighting the urge to do something about it because someday Sam would be the one to kiss him.

Sam was fifteen and had hit his growth spurt in earnest, clumsy with his limbs and his affection, and Dean had smirked his way through each of Sam's crushes, thwarted or otherwise. Smirked his way through them and then jerked off into the motel sheets at the thought of sweet Sammy's face pressed between some girl's legs.

And then Sam started talking about nightmares, about visions, and Dean would have laughed it off except Sam still climbed in next to him when he had those nightmares, still wrapped an arm around Dean's waist and whispered his dreams into the crook of Dean's neck. If Dean was hard as Hell at the result - well, that was his burden.

Dean woke up to Sam's hand pressed against his cock, and a good big brother would have moved, not closed his own hand over it and rubbed his hips in slow circles against it.

"I want you," Sam whispered, and Dean grit his teeth in frustration at the dream before Sam's hand moved quickly, up to his stomach and down under his waistband, wrapping around his naked skin. Dreams weren't that good.

Sam had him by the throat after that; Sam always had, he just didn't know for years on end.

Dean kept adjusting his take on being 'good'. A good big brother drew the line at touching his little brother back. A good big brother drew the line at using his little brother's mouth. A good big brother drew the line at taking his little brother's virginity.

Sam was seventeen when John came home early and sober and quiet; at least, quiet until he saw Sam's lips on Dean's cock as they half-watched the motel's free porn, Dean underneath Sam and returning the favour, a clumsy and half-clothed and perfect sixty-nine.

He tells himself it was self defence, but he knows in his heart it was the threat of someone taking Sammy away from him, someone getting in the way of him and Sam, that made him pick up John's gun. Sam's face was white when the gun went off, and Dean wonders even now why he didn't drop the gun after firing.

He just grabbed Sam and ran, and Sam ran with him.

Sometimes they bump into other hunters. They ask if they're okay, give false messages of sympathy - honestly, such a shame, their dad was such a good man - and move on quickly. Hunters don't like to form attachments. It suits him and Sam just fine.

They talk about settling down whenever they need a laugh. About the white picket fence, the dogs, the respectable jobs and Stepford wives.

Dean's place is wherever Sam needs him to be, and if that place is in a sweet woman's house, putting a silver bullet through her werewolf heart, then lying down on her white bloodstained sheets after moving the body and licking blood from Sam's lips, he'll be there. If that place is underneath Sam and opened up on his cock, sobbing into his fist or whispering love to the only person he means it with, he'll be there.

Sam's place is wherever he wants Dean to be, and Dean follows.

Castiel falls in love in his true form!!: Castiel/Balthazar: trueform sex (crack!fill)

Dean was worried for Castiel from the very start because all angels are dicks except Castiel and Balthazar was just the same or so it looked. He told Sam he was VERY worried for Castiel but Sam did not car because he had no soul. It was very hary for Dean to be brave when Sam had no soul but he tried he best and asked Cas

"Cas are you okay!"

"Yes" Castiel replied but his face was sad Dean knew it was a lie because Castiel was his best friend.

"No your not you were crying yesterday..." Dean said. Suddenly he had a thought" "Cas did Balthazar do something bad to you can tell me..."

"No!!" Castiel shouted. "Dean Balthazar is my friend he would never..." Castiel want very quiet and Dean held his hands "Its okay Cass you can tell me."

"I... no Dean I can not tell you" Castiel said. "You would never understand."

"What?!" Dean shouted. "Cass your my best friend and I love you can tell me anything..." Dean took a deep breath. "Castiel tell me what is wrong."

"I love him" Castiel said."

"Oh my god" said Dean

"HAHA oh my god Cass are you gay" said Sam because he had no soul and was mean.

"No I am Castiel?" said Castiel and Dean laughed because Dean didn't understand what Sam meant.

"He means are you in love with Balthazar" said Dean.


"Is he gay too..?"

"Yes" said Castiel "But we can not mate in our human forms or they would explode and we can not mate in Heaven because..." he sighed because he was so sad."Because of the war."

Dean nodded thoughtfully. "I have an idea." said Dean. ""What if you have sex in your true form on Earth?"

"We would need a lot of water" Castiel said. "Where would we find a whole bunch of water..?"

Dean looked at Sam and Sam looked at Dean and they hi-fived. "THE OCEAN!"


Castiel met Balthazar on the beach wearing leather trousers and a blue satin shirt that made his beautiful eyes look like sapphires in the midnight sky.

"Castiel" said Balthazar taking Castiel's hands. "Your eyes are more beautiful even than the ocean."

"Oh Balthazar" said Castiel "Balthazar I love you, I want your tentacles all over me. Let's make love!"

"What" said Dean as he watched both angels run into the sea holding hands before disappearing into the water.

"Let's get a beer Sammy" said Dean. "We've done a good thing today."

"Ya" agreed Sam. "And pie!"


Castiel blushed as red as a shark can blush because he got into his true form first but Balthser joined him quickly and gave him a cuddle with his tentacles.

"Castiel" said Bathlaser "It's okay if you don't want this"

"I do." said Castiel. "But this is my first time and I do not know what to do."

Balthazar nodded. "Then I will be gentle."

"Oh Bally!" said Cass before rubbing his fin against Balthazar's frills.

"Oh!" said Balthazar. "Oh Castiel. Do that again."

Castiel swam in a circle and did it again excitedly.

"Oh my god" said Balthazar "You're rely good at this." Then he did something like a smile that octopusses do and stuck a tentacle up Castiel's hole.

He went slow at first (so he didn't hurt Castiel) then wriggled a bit and Castiel calmed down. "Oh" said Castiel. "Oh, please give me more!"

Castiel's fins quivered in anticipation of Balthazar's huge squiggly nine inch love rod and the giant octopus gave it too him good and put its beak between Castiel's shark teeth to kiss him.

In and out and in and out went Balthazar's tentacles and Castiel went "OH I am cumming" and he cummed all over himself but Balthazar was not done! And Castiel swam back and forth on the otcopus's tentacles passionately and Balthazar said "Oh my god Cass you are so good" and he held Castiel tight in his tentacles "Cum with me"

Castiel slapped his fins against Balthazar's tentacles and screamed as he cummed again and Balthazar cum too.

"That was amazing" said Cass and kissed Balthazar and fell asleep swimming (like a shark).

* * * THE NEXT DAY * * *

Castiel had eaten a lot of fish while in shark form before he came to Dean's house and Dean was very concerned because Castiel kept sicking up fish. "Cass when did you get sick?" Dean asked.

"This morning I do not know why."

Dean thought about it then shouted in shock "OH MY GOD Castiel did you use a condom?!"

"Dean what is a condom?" said Castiel because he did not understand.

Dean picked Castiel up by the shoulders and shook him. "CAS! Your PREGNANT."



I did write one more fill, but I want to tidy up that one for a separate post when I do. In the meantime, enjoy! Or, er, "enjoy" in some cases.

badfic, fandom: supernatural, snippets, crack

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