Dragon Age: Origins is eating my life EVEN IN THE ENDING AREA.
Okay, I've not completed the final dungeon yet, but there's a... there's a reason. A terrible, terrible, very silly reason.
... I'm regretting killing Loghain.
I've finished killing the two darkspawn generals and I'm standing outside the gates to (presumably) the final dungeon and I can't go any further. Because I killed Loghain. AND I FEEL GUILTY even if I may have laughed until I felt a bit ill when I chopped him and his blood splattered all over his daughter and DON'T EVEN LIE YOU KNOW THAT WAS HILARIOUS.
It's just... his voice. And the fact he died a noble death. Also, HIS VOICE.
I feel like I killed Kain from the Legacy of Kain series (also voiced by Simon, for those not in the know) and that is Bad and Wrong and I'm going to have to go back and not kill him. SORRY ALISTAIR, I know I've put you through enough already with the becoming King and sexing Morrigan up and everything but, well, it's Kain's voice. I can't kill Kain's voice!
I'm glad I still have three saves (one pre-sexing Alistair. OH SHUSH, I WOULD BET MONEY ON IT THAT AT LEAST ONE OF YOU GUYS HAS ONE TOO), because I'm so going back for more.
I think there's also the fact I don't really want this game to end. I'm going to miss these characters so much it's hilarious, I've seriously been going "I LOVE YOU KISS ME" at Alistair at every possible opportunity, and getting teary-eyed whenever Morrigan says anything to me, like, ever, and I JUST LOVE ALL OF THEM, ARGH. ALL OF THEM. I'VE NEVER FELT THIS ATTACHED TO AN ENTIRE GROUP OF PEOPLE SINCE, LIKE, DIGITAL DEVIL SAGA, AND MAYBE NOT EVEN THEN.
I need the expansion and the Mass Effect games like air right now. RIGHT. NOW.