
Mar 03, 2010 00:40

Am auctioning myself off for help_chile this time:

My thread here!

It's a shorter bidding time than help_haiti was - just up until March 10th - and incidentally, if anyone wins with a Legion prompt, I'll die of squee XD. Any excuse to write more Michael/Gabriel. But you know me, truth be told, I'm happy with any prompt ;). Oh, and LINK ME if any of you put up threads as I'll be bidding as well as donating fic - I picked up three awesome fics off help_haiti and I'm looking forward to nabbing more awesomeness off you lot!

In other news, this may seem a little odd but... do any of you have Penny/Sheldon recs for The Big Bang Theory? I don't really ship it actively because I do think of Sheldon as uninterested in romance, but I think in fic they could be really darned cute.
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