Distracting myself with memes? Hell yes.

Feb 16, 2010 19:15

Because honeyblack is a doll and tagged me <3

Written Meme
1. Write your username.
2. Write your 2 favorite bands/groups of the moment.
3. Write something you ♥, aka lemme see your heart.
4. Write the name of your favorite person of all time.
5. Write the name of your recent favored person.
6. Tag 6 people to do this meme.

The 7 Random Facts Meme
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

* Anyone who's seen me in the Mishaland chat room knows this, but; I have an absolute addiction to chewing gum. I regularly go through one to two packs a day, and have in the past given myself a gyppy stomach from chewing so much that those warned-for laxative effects start to kick in. It's tied into my oral fixation; I have a fidgety mouth and get paranoid about my breath, chewing gum is a socially acceptable way to handle that XD.

* I honestly reckon half the reason my family gets on so well is because all five of us think farts are absolutely hilarious. Belching, no, but farts, yes. Except for when my little brother's eaten eggs, where he is banished from the room because EW. Or when I've eaten tuna, where I banish myself from the room.

* I can't eat while listening to a live performance, even by bands/singers I like, because I tense up so much naturally listening to live music in preparation for something going wrong that it upsets my digestion.

* I have a foot fetish. I think this is probably about 50% the fault of Gale from Digital Devil Saga, and 50% the fault of my own feet being so sensitive that I feel outright dirty when giving myself a foot massage. As a weird side-effect I actually get embarrassed buying anything for my feet like foot lotion or a pumice stone because it feels naughtier than buying condoms - at least condoms are something, you know, normal.

* My favourite part of writing sex scenes is working out other characters' erogenous zones. Weirdly, sometimes I never get around to making use of this; Dean and Sam both generally prefer face-to-face so I've never had an excuse to use the fact that Castiel goes absolutely wild if you bite the back of his neck.

* I chew my nails. However, because I'm a lucky cow in this respect, I have nails that grow at a ridiculous rate (easily 2mm a week if not more) and they're strong as claws generally, so it doesn't normally show.

* As much as I regularly replay and love Monkey Island and Soul Reaver - two of my top four games of all time - I can't bring myself to replay Final Fantasy 7 or Digital Devil Saga, because they affected me emotionally so much that I can't bear the thought of replaying them and finding that they no longer do for me what they used to. Heck, the music alone from Final Fantasy 7 can still make me weepy with nostalgia.

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