Title: Waiting by the Sun Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Castiel/Dean Rating: PG12 for slash and bad language Warnings: Ridiculously sappy. Like, bring your sick bucket sappy XD. Originally from: Over here!
Aw, this is LOVELY. I love Dean completely failing to recognize Cas and Cas waiting for him and the little detail that his hand finally fits the handprint, fgsfghsdjfghsd.
XD I blame that on a complete and total "WAITAMINUTE" moment the other day where I was reading a Dean/Castiel fic with the handprint and after enjoying those for the best part of a year I suddenly realised HOLD ON ONE MOMENT. Castiel wouldn't have been wearing Jimmy when he pulled Dean out of Hell! :O
But heeeeee, I had gratuitous soppy romantic fun with this one. *hugs*
LOL, I've been aware of that for a while, which is why whenever there's a fic where there's some mention of Castiel's hand fitting into the handprint ~perfectly~, I'm like, UH WAIT, NO. Castiel's real hand is different!
XD I have no doubt whatsoever that Dean would still be a horndog even when he was old enough for it to be socially acceptable again. He probably hustled the other guys in the nursing home for viagra.
I would say more alien!Cas is always a good thing!
I blame Legion for kicking off my angels-as-slightly-alien thing anew. And HARD. Damnit, I wish I could stop myself rewatching that conversation scene in the diner. GABRIEL EVEN MAKES A TINY GASP WHEN MICHAEL TOUCHES HIS FACE WHAT ARE MY HORMONES EVEN SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THAT FFFFFF IT IS DISTRACTING.
Speaking of which, did you read ponderosa's snippet for it on the porn meme? Because DAYUMN.
Comments 13
But heeeeee, I had gratuitous soppy romantic fun with this one. *hugs*
(incidentally I do in part blame your drawings for getting me pondering other ways for angels to look <3)
I blame Legion for kicking off my angels-as-slightly-alien thing anew. And HARD. Damnit, I wish I could stop myself rewatching that conversation scene in the diner. GABRIEL EVEN MAKES A TINY GASP WHEN MICHAEL TOUCHES HIS FACE WHAT ARE MY HORMONES EVEN SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THAT FFFFFF IT IS DISTRACTING.
Speaking of which, did you read ponderosa's snippet for it on the porn meme? Because DAYUMN.
Thank you babe <3
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