:D = bit by bit finding my presents to people are arriving - the postal service isn't quite as horribly unreliable as I had thought <3.
Also :D = starting to receive goodies!
_dahne_, the DMC4 poster arrived <3, could you PM me your address hon so I can send you the postage?
debb, your socks and goodies arrived <3!
not_cynical, your CDs arrived <3!
eviltwin, your card arrived <3!
- Some gorgeous anonymous, your $5 LJ voucher arrived <3!
o_0 = last night I dreamt a Twilight self-insert fanfic. I KID YOU NOT. I woke up very puzzled and perplexed and also highly, highly amused.
I dreamt I was the new girl in Forks and Jacob was completely into me, and I was kind of into him, and we started hanging out and having long talks and eventually sitting down and snuggling up somewhere, though we never got to the making out stage, it was just a given that this was going to happen eventually (and his hair was totally gorgeous to the touch). And Bella kept watching and being all po-faced and jealous, which was a genius move because Edward was still all over her.
And at the end Edward got bored and the rest of the Cullens ate Bella. And it was hilarious. Also surprisingly hot. LOOK THEY'RE A SEXY VAMPIRE FAMILY, DINNERTIME IS SEXY TOO.
Sam/Castiel (+ some Wincest) footporn. I. Er. YUM.