Nov 05, 2009 22:52
Right, I just finally got around to doing one of those date-out-of-order master lists for fic instead of just having mine shoved in my LJ memories (speaking of which, I really, really ought to move my fics from my old fic LJ over here and out of order them too, because it's a bit messy having two LJs for one purpose especially if I never use one of them anymore), and I've been noseying around a few other people's master lists, and this lead me to pondering;
Having drabbles/ficlets/comment fic actually organised somewhere. I write a lot of this stuff though - I'm not one of these people who has about five to ten painfully exquisite little drabbles alongside their regular stuff so tacking them onto the main fic post would be a bit unmanageable - so I'm wondering, would keeping tabs on that be overly self-indulgent, or would it be worthwhile doing? I figure my flist are the guys and girls who actually read my LJ (and sometimes aforementioned drabbles/ficlets/comments), so I figure you're the best people to ask. Should I keep a masterlist for comment fic type stories as well, or would that be a bit lame and silly?