*rubs hands*!

Apr 30, 2009 21:27

I promised a more significant update, so here we go!

I was thinking "What can I put in a post that'll actually be substantial without having a fic/review/similar thing to put in there?" so, I figured, it's a journal - I'll post a legitimate journal entry!

This morning - or, to be more accurate, afternoon - after waking up faintly startled due to these weirdass dreams and, of course, posting about them before bothering to get dressed, I put on matching undies for once, my blue linen summer dress and glamourous brown high heels (because SCREW YOU RAIN), my bright red mac, ate some tiramisu for breakfast (I reserve the right to!) and walked outside with nowt but my bag and an umbrella for protection. The rain was lashing down, and I thoroughly enjoyed every second of being ridiculously dressed for the weather. I then spent approximately five minutes in church having my usual natter with God when there's nothing else on my mind, which roughly consisted of:

"You know, I don't really see anything that special about praying in church compared with praying at home, but it's very pretty in here. I do wish those guys over there would shut up though, it's a church, not a pub. Don't mind me, I'm going to stick my mp3 player on so I can IGNORE THEM. Ooh, Lothlorien from LotR, lovely. Anyhow. I'm pretty good. Still think I spend more time living in my head than out in the real world. That's okay, right? Man, my hands are huge. They don't feel much like a part of me. Anyhow, yes! Love you, look after everyone, and talk to you later. Bye!"

Thereafter, I decided to head into town, and after annoying the people at Thorntons by hovering for about ten minutes then deciding not to buy anything, I headed off to New Quiggins. On the way I passed a woman selling the big issue, and I normally don't buy it very often but as I haven't in a while and it had the yummy Hugh Jackman on the cover, I bought a copy. She said I looked lovely, and she did as well; had gold teeth, too, which was kind of cool.

New Quiggins was kind of lame as usual (I MISS THE OLD QUIGGINS SHOPS :( :( :(), but I bought myself a green bandana, and that "I do all my own stunts" T-shirt for my little brother. Who won't be so little tomorrow anymore ;_;. 18! All growed up! :(.

I also after heading elsewhere debated buying a copy of the last Death Note volume and then reminded myself L isn't in it so what would the point be, le sigh, threw up a little in my mouth at seeing a Team Edward t-shirt (why God? WHY?), and added an AWESOME STAR WARS POSTER to my brother's 18th birthday haul for tomorrow, and

After that I moseyed through some more shops buying bits and pieces - some hair clips, a bracelet, neon pink over-the-knee socks as I keep wearing through my tights, FRIGGING GORGEOUS SHOES (well, the print is identical, but mine don't have the straps; instead they have a back, and they have a heel instead of a wedge), as well as some more shirts, a DVD set, and a book for my bro's birthday - I then had a book splurge at Waterstones and acquired: Treasure Island (loooooove but lost the old copy), Let The Right One In (haven't read yet but heard good things), Matilda (again, love, but lost the old copy), Coraline (not read yet but ASDJFAKSDFHA NEIL GAIMAN, PEOPLE), and Skellig (hadn't read at that point of the day). I, um, like reading.

I popped into a coffee shop across the road, and spent the next hour or so reading most of Skellig over a cappuccino. Both were gorgeous. However, my day was not yet done, for I had GIRLINESS to attend to, in the form of getting a hand massage and a facial at Lush, and buying £15 worth of stuff so I got a goody bag also worth £15 to go with my other shopping. Had a good long natter with both girls, the facial one mostly about maths and writing and art and discussing the different ways a person can be smart, the hand massage one mostly about family and trying very very very hard to dodge the fact that I'm a wee bit skin hungry and enjoy having my hands touched a little more than I should do, which I managed to pull off with SKILL AND FINESSE. I now smell lovely and have a bag of additional things to maintain the loveliness-of-smell with.

That done, I came home in a taxi where we had a good old bitch about Virgin Media and their rubbishness, showed off all my shopping (except, obviously, the stuff I'd bought for my bro), flicked through my sister's magazine and reassured myself celebrity gossip is still boring unless it features the cast of Supernatural, finished Skellig (GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS BOOK, omg, everyone, READ IT), ate a strawberry petit filous and a pack of Uncle Ben's rice, finished off some milk as it's not too far off bedtime, read my emails, flicked through this lovely fic for a bit, and then decided to update my LJ after setting a few more buildings to level up in my Kingsage game.

That being done, I've just noticed I've not actually had anything of legitimate substance to eat yet, so I'll be off to do so before heading to bed to do some more writing on the Castiel/Alastair fic, and then, it will be sleeping time.

Somewhere in there I'll also wash and brush my teeth, obviously. And probably go to the bathroom.

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