Finished updating my
Supernatural and
Stargate: Atlantis recs lists, as well as putting them into pairing order, so I'm feeling accomplished and I have a legitimate reason to update.
In other news, I popped into the hospital and the rather yummy doctor agrees it's probably gout; and being gout, I'm stuck on anti-inflammatories for now and have to wait for the flare-up to die down before going in to get tested, gout being an awkward bugger that way! Bitches were going to be smacked, but I've had a good day despite the hiccups so I don't mind :).
Anyhow; let me just say, that was the nicest doctor's appointment I've ever had. I've never had a doctor seem so genuinely concerned for me - and admittedly, given the alternatives to gout largely consisted of deep vein thrombosis or heart/kidney problems, that's a bit understandable - and he was so, so delicate checking for any pain, it was just really, really sweet. It was like getting a foot rub from a hamster. Good news is that as usual my heart and blood are fine and both my legs, despite the foot swelling, are the same size, so it's not deep vein thrombosis. And it's definitely not a break.
So! Chances are, it's gout, and while we're waiting on results I think I'll have fun creating a new tag for this little adventure!