Due to the combined bunnying power of Nyx and Qara

Mar 10, 2008 13:11

(and yes, I blame you girls, miss nyxmidnight and qara_isuke, and you damn well know why!);

NC17 for yaoi, xenophiliac references and bad language
Crack pairing, oh GOD crack pairing like woah. I'd hate you guys if this wasn't so much fun
Digital Devil Saga 2 spoilers
Non-profit fanfiction

Adil wondered as he wrapped an arm around Harley's neck, lips parted and hungry for the orange-haired man as he ground against his stomach, why in hell he hadn't done anything about the fact Gale was fucking the guy he was meant to be in a relationship with. Not only that, but fucking him while he sort of watched, although watching was hard with Harley's gasping, excited breaths distracting him. Gale, fucking Gale, built like a brick wall and about as friendly, pushing into Harley and drawing out any keening gasps that Adil had left the Vanguard room for.

Adil didn't know much about the Vanguards apart from the fact they had mostly been eaten and it was something he could sympathise with; the Embryon were eaters, they hunted and most of them looked like they couldn't care less about the fact they were cannibals. He hadn't seen Harley actively hunting; he'd only wandered off when his hunger pangs were visible and threatened to turn him into something more like a Karma Society member than who he actually was, a poor bastard caught up in ten times more shit than he deserved.

What drew Harley to Gale, Adil had no clue; the green-haired Embryon was cold, outright frosty, and didn't seem to particularly care for Harley. Still, there had to be some sort of connection there that he didn't understand and he had a feeling it might have something to do with the side of Harley he didn't want to know about, the side of Harley that made him kill and feed and hunger. Harley and Gale made a dangerous, bloody combination, but he couldn't hide from the fact they seemed to need each other in some way, Gale turning predatory, biting at Harley's neck and ears, eyes heavy and glazed. Adil seemed to earn something else from Harley, seemed to find the man in him, someone confused and scared and sweet, someone who felt human, which was more than could be said for the Embryon. Adil had no qualms letting Harley kiss him and kissing Harley back, didn't fear for his tongue when he slipped it between the orange-haired man's lips, because he knew that unlike the others, Harley didn't live for eating.

Harley looked torn between them as he moved, licking saliva from the corner of his mouth before biting his cheek and moaning, caught between Adil's hand on his cock and Gale fucking him from behind, the Embryon himself looking outright bestial as his movements lost whatever grace they had ever held, Harley falling forward and having to brace himself on his left elbow as Gale's weight became a little too much to bear using one hand alone.

Adil couldn't resist reaching his free hand up to grip Harley's chin, tilting it so he could watch the A.I. he'd started to think of as his own as wet, sticky heat started to spurt over his hand and his belly, his own cock twitching in response and Gale growling in the background, and Adil wanted to drag Harley off the bed and the hell away from Vayu or whatever the fuck Gale's demon was called because that roar was too close to demonic for comfort.

With an equally inhuman sort of moan, Gale collapsed and brought Harley down with him, leaving Adil more than a little uncomfortable beneath the combined weight and forced to wriggle out from underneath, helping to drag Harley to the side enough to breathe comfortably after another few moments even if he did protest a little at the loss of heat. Not so hard to rectify that though, not with the layers and layers of blankets needed to keep warm to any degree since the sun had given up warming the earth properly; to think, people used to complain if they lacked central heating.

Slicked with sweat and more, Harley was stunning, Adil no longer wondering what the hell it was that fed the strange instinct he had to protect the Vanguard despite his being able to transform into a demon and eat people at will. It was as if Harley had some aura about him, something that needed to be saved, and he'd have been a liar to pretend he hadn't seen similar in Roland once upon a time. After too long spent watching others get killed, something had gone wrong in Adil and he'd taken to looking after those who seemed likelier to die. Maybe he thought it would be easier if he expected it.

Harley smiled from where he lay, half under Gale's heavy, sleeping weight, half flat against the bed with his head tilted towards Adil, one arm freed to trail down Adil's side before reaching between his legs and grasping his briefly unattended erection, helping out even if his movements were still uncertain, learning.

Adil swallowed despite himself, cock aching under Harley's touch, shifted forward until he could feel Harley's breath against his face - was almost surprised when his breath didn't smell of meat or copper - and slid an arm around Harley in turn. Gale might have taken dominance in certain ways, but Adil knew whose role was more difficult; Adil cared for Harley, and while God only knew how that had happened, he'd be damned if he didn't bear the responsibility.

He had his expectations; he was a realist; but Harley's life, however damaged, was worth fighting for.

fic, fandom: digital devil saga

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