
Oct 12, 2006 12:34

I wrote an LoK threesome.


Also, just so that they're all together in one neat package, the drabbles from that drabbles thingit I did before ^^.

200 words for ___wired

Marius had learnt many things in his years as a vampire, both academic and otherwise. He had learnt knowledge could become fiction, and fiction knowledge; that human nature would never change for better or worse. He'd learnt a pupil was good, and an equal better.

Humans were right to think time makes an age difference seem smaller, but Pandora had never felt much younger than him anyway. Perhaps it was part of being a woman, or part of coming from a better educated age, but from early days she had felt like an equal to him, no true power struggle between them save the ever present question of gender. She was strong and intelligent with more than a courtesan's talent for conversation and observation, the perfect partner throughout the ages.

And an ideal companion she had proven; for all these years later, separation and reunions aside, a night in the cinema was as glorious as a stroll through a museum with her at his side. He'd fallen in love over and over, made appalling mistakes on account of it, but his soul mate had not changed. And looking at her there, still and silent, he knew she never would.

100 words for syvia

The boy's body was smooth but strong with the onset of puberty, voice deepening by the day, a pleasure to wear if confusing due to the growth spurt changing his shape almost every day. Ansem smirked in the mirror, feeling Riku's desperate but futile attempts to regain control of his body as a mild tug at the back of his mind, ran a hand down his chest before gripping the base of his sweater and pulling it off. All felt good, smooth and near hairless, but ultimately it was only a body.

"I hope Sora doesn't damage you too much, Riku."

111 words for nyxmidnight
Futomimi had watched himself break and bleed many times now, and still could not get used to the sensation. Death made everything numb; but then, as Shura had explained, he’d never been alive in the first place.

The demi-fiend's love of carnage grew as he lingered in the Labyrinth, but whenever he looked at Futomimi something changed in his eyes. For all his abilities, the manikin could not understand it.

Even when Shura pinned him against the wall, pushing up into his body and crying over and over again, "I'm sorry", Futomimi could not understand it.

He hadn't been brought back for pity; and he hadn't been brought back for love.

250 words for the_ivorytower
Kael should have noticed the sounds first. Even if 'wet', and 'growling' summed up all the noises he had ever heard from the lower Myrmidons, he should have suspected.

Or the crowding! Naga and crowding were inseparable for the most part on account of their bulk, but this had not been due to lack of space; aside from the pile of a dozen or so Naga, the room was otherwise empty.

Writhing. There would have been no excuse to miss that, and he had not; but not early enough to escape noticing this particular collection of Naga were all writhing around Lady Vashj in particular, who was giggling as if the whole situation wasn't disturbing enough, strange appendages on the males that he hoped for the sake of his sanity were finger-based apparently tickling her skin.

For the most part he'd just stood there clueless, then desperately trying to retain that cluelessness as the threat of realisation sank in, when the Lady let out a noise that certainly had nothing to do with mortal vocal chords and one of the Myrmidons eased up from the pile with a decidedly smug expression.

Some part of his mind fragmented as the various Naga peeled away from the very sticky, very sated-looking Lady Vashj as she managed, barely, to ease herself up into a sitting position before looking over at the blood elf intruder.

"I..." Kael tried to find words, any words, but they seemed elusive.

"I’m sorry, Kael. You’re a little late."

100 words for andremeese
Janos was not the questioning type, but occasionally something puzzled him enough to beg asking.

"Are those boots comfortable?"

Vorador looked down at the targets of Janos' curiosity. "Reasonably. I never gave it much thought."

"They seem a little ostentatious."

"Perhaps - but they keep the fledglings happy." Free to do so in the setting of his living room, Vorador slouched into a chair and propped his feet up on the table. "Strange that I've never asked why."

"Perhaps they say you’re lord and master."

"Only in my own home," Vorador replied, winking at his sire. "And I make one exception."

fandom: kingdom hearts, snippets, fandom: smt: nocturne, fandom: legacy of kain, fandom: vampire chronicles, fandom: warcraft

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