Feb 02, 2009 13:31
first week of school has passed, and man is it going to be busy this semester. And i havent even started work yet. We already have to start writing the first midterm and study guide for the class i'm TAing, come up with a research idea in lab by wednesday, and my books for classes havent even come yet, so i havent been doing actual school-work. wow...lets see we also have to clean up the data, and run our stats for the poster that got accepted to WPA again, because our data were sooo bad. 4 dance practices left until the show..that should be interesting. I really hope we get those mirrored rooms soon. You'd think people who were running the show would be a little quicker to help out their only decent acts. I'm really nervous about the conference because that is such a grown up thing to do. I dont know what I'm going to do with myself. *gag* Ok time for class!