*Voice Post*

Dec 27, 2007 23:02

Feelin' a little better today. Allen, Prin-... Sheena, thanks. Dunno what I'da done without both of ya.

Still can't really open my eyes much... light hurts pretty bad. Gotta find a new eyepatch once they get better though! Heh, maybe those freaks will give my old one back the way they gave my hammer back too. Funny how they didn't ask about that at all... just wanted to mess with my eyes.

[Private, hackable]
Ain't really sleepin' very well, but I know I should try. Really tired. But every time I fall asleep, I keep seein' those things they made me look at...

Sometimes I wish I could make my memory not so good.

[Private to Allen]
Hey... stop blamin' yourself so much, yeah? It ain't your fault. They would'a taken me even if you were standin' right there. Hell, they might'a taken us both.

...though I don't mind if you wanna kiss me again. ♥

lavi wants allen to kiss him again, still can't see, photographic memory sucks sometimes

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