
May 29, 2009 02:15

So, you've started killin' us now, huh? Wasn't enough to ask everyone else to do your dirty work, huh? What, you gonna kill all of us with these extra powers?

Fuck that.

Bring it on, you Malnosso bastards! C'mon, I'm right here, I'll take ya on!

[Lavi is standing on the roof of his house, yelling at the sky. He sends a blast of flame upwards ( Read more... )

event, possession by eferin, fuck you malnosso

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[action] selenic_soul May 29 2009, 07:21:41 UTC
[he hears that voice, just the one he's been looking for but he feels a chill go through him at the challenge] Lavi! Get down from there!


[action] emerald_archive May 29 2009, 08:38:32 UTC
[glances down, but is seeing red] Don't try to stop me, Allen! Those bastards are gonna get what's comin' to 'em!


[action] selenic_soul May 29 2009, 08:43:37 UTC
I will try to stop you. If you go after them, they'll kill you, too. [his wings spread out behind him] We need to get to the tunnels where everyone else is. If we're going to fight them, we need to do it together.


[action] emerald_archive May 29 2009, 08:45:38 UTC
[sends a warning flame in Allen's direction] You want me to run and hide? Fuck that.


[action] selenic_soul May 29 2009, 08:50:34 UTC
[winces as the flame licks at his arm before he dodges it, shaking his head] Do you want to kill yourself? Lavi, please! We're not hiding, we're trying to make sure we don't all die alone. I don't want to hurt you to bring you there but I'm not going to let them kill you.


[action] emerald_archive May 29 2009, 10:02:55 UTC
I ain't gonna kill myself! I can take 'em on, just watch!


[action] selenic_soul May 29 2009, 10:10:23 UTC
You know that the Malnosso are strong. People have been getting killed even with powers like yours. [finally takes a chance, leaping up and beating his wings, struggling to get on the rooftop, landing a bit away from Lavi] If we're all in the same place, you'll get your chance. But right now, we can't stay here. They'll kill both of us and I know you don't want that. I'm not going down without a fight but the more people we have on our side, the better.


[action] emerald_archive May 29 2009, 18:51:17 UTC
[looks over at him, clearly struggling with his stronger emotions and the desire to protect Allen] You go. I'll stay.


[action] selenic_soul May 29 2009, 19:39:23 UTC
I'm not leaving you here alone. If you won't go, I won't either. [takes a chance and gets closer, putting a gentle hand on Lavi's arm] You know I'm right. We can't stay here and we'll both die if we do. This isn't like fighting against the Noah or Akuma back home when I know we can get through it. All those people that died had these abilities but it didn't help them. The more of us there are, the more we stand a chance.


[action] emerald_archive May 29 2009, 19:59:31 UTC
[clenches his fists, wavering] Goddamn it! [shoots a blast of flame at a nearby tree, incinerating it into ashes in a split second] I don't just wanna sit around and do nothin'!


[action] selenic_soul May 29 2009, 20:04:47 UTC
You won't be. We won't be doing nothing. There's a lot of people taking shelter in those tunnels. They're going to need our help, too. We could stay outside and help push them back if they come after us. We're not helpless, Lavi, but there are others who need our help, too.


Re: [action] emerald_archive May 29 2009, 21:05:58 UTC
[sighs and folds his arms] Fine. But I'm staying outside to help fight. I won't run and hide like... like a child.


[action] selenic_soul May 29 2009, 21:09:44 UTC
[smiles, holding out his hand] We need to get to the tunnels. Everyone else is there and we should take anyone we find along the way with us. If this is our chance to fight against them for once, I'm not going to run and hide and I don't expect you to, either. Thank you, Lavi.


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