Malaysia Career & Training Fair 2010

Oct 05, 2010 13:41

more than 100 companies offering thousand of jobs are at MCTF'10
(i can see RHB in there)

Malaysia Career & Training Fair 2010 / Post Graduate Education Fair 2010
8 - 10 October 2010
Halls 1, 2 & 3 AIC Exhibitions Sdn Bhd
+603 7880 8692, +603 7880 8693,+603 7880 8695
Free admission to Public

Konnichiwa~~ilove to see my LJ's layout ;P pink youuu..ok back to the topics today..this morning all my friends talk about  this exhibition n make me think to share my experience about this exhibition.i went there every time they held that exhibition in midvalley....choppp correction humppppp i think only 3 times ehehe...for me i believe from this exhibition I can get a job.

My job seeking chronologies:

1st attended - i got job with RHB Bank as It exec.

2nd attended -  i got an interview with canon as It exec and when they called me to discuss about salary i reject it because not ready to start work at 730 am waaaaaaaaa Y_Y

3rd attended - i got a job with PANASONIC

Huge firm and company onboard
(ouuwhh PANASONIC is there ;D)

Thanks To Allah... Maybe i'm very lucky with this exhibition...but very very bad luck when i try to apply position with government...yeah Allah is fair n GREAT not all u want u can get it....

my attantion when i go there is not for the jobs BUT i attempt to get the FREE GIFT from the participant booth. hiksss ...I donno maybe its my bad habit ...i love everything is free... last time i collect a lot of highlighter, dairy (the good Quality one), Notebook (panasonic notebook is the BEST i ever had), a thousand (lair ;P) of pen, shopping begs, files, free rexona deodorant for woman (^_^!) so shameless m(_ _)m they give me 3 bottle = 1 month stock my money right? hehehe n while walk around there also I got free duchtlady milk (for breakfast)...YEAHHH i love it.

The crowd

After that (finish free gift collecter job seeker activity) I went to pet’s wonderland just opposite the exhibition centre n look at the cute kitten, hamster, n dog (from far). then if there is any good movie i will watch it at GSC also nearby... after lunch n onda way back compulsory I’ll bought Beard papa cream puff 6 pieces... 3 for me n 3 for machan... before i leave lets share some strategies that i applied to get a job... this is maybe work for u maybe not dont blame me..last but not least we as human only can make a plan, It is Allah's will that decides whether yr plan success or not... so try  smart, work smart n PRAY HARD ok?

1. make sure your resume is simple n neat easy to attract the interviewer. u can refer here.


2. make sure do a lot of hardcopy for yr resume at the same time spare the softcopy in your pendrive

3. check the organization participate and mark the organization that suitable for u . never waste yr hardcopy resume to the unrelated companies.


4. Dress nicely my sugestion neat , smart and casual, if u aspect to get a job as engineer or executive DONT dress up like a club singer ok? for man avoid too casual n yankee. give the company u want to apply a good impression. (can use above gorgeous brothers n sister as example keh3 ;P)

5. if they ask u to send resume online please do as soon as you get the internet.

6. Come early in the morning to avoid hectic situation, if they open online registration please register.

7. Save the pamphlet for your reference (usually i jot down the email and then i made that pamphlet paper plane ;P)

8. LAST but not least do not forget to collect yr free gift ...

Pet's wonderland, GSC, Creampuff

my words

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