I LoVe GenMaiCha <3 <3

Sep 24, 2010 00:07

i start drink green tea at sushi king with ma chan...i choose green tea because its free
and i can refill how many time i want... ma chan as usuall by default will order ice lemon tea... i love that too but i love free drink more ehehehe... my motto of life anything is FREE n HALAL will be my prirority

ok come back to the green tea story...1st time i drink it (green tea pure from japan) i feel humppp not bad...CAN BE ACCEPTED. then i bought the green tea imported from china and ohh gawd i cannot drink it....

than my friend nana-chan just come back from japan introduce me with GENMAI-CHA. Genmaicha is toasted (and popped!) rice in green tea. Genmaicha also is an extremely popular tea in Japan, a staple of the diet. During my trip to japan i bought it...after the 1st try i already fall in love with it...seriously
genmaicha oishi desu...becuase i try to cut my daily sugar consume then this should be the good alternative
other than that green tea got a lot of benefit compare to nescafe or coffee...but still i love pure black coffee with
strong aroma (that make me remember my trip to tokei no mori) ...>_<

here is the benefit of green tea or genmaicha
(credit to :http://www.teabenefits.com/green-tea-benefits/genmaicha-tea-benefits.html)

*Genmaicha tea may help lower the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

*Genmaicha tea may help lower the risk of developing cancer.

*Genmaicha tea may help strengthen the immune system and fighting diseases associated with different kinds of virus and bacteria.

*Genmaicha tea may help strengthen bones and teeth.

*Genmaicha tea may help in weight loss. (thats what i like)

*Genmaicha tea may help enhance alkalinity levels in the body.

*Genmaicha tea may help fight inflammation and diseases related to it.

the right way to make it:
To prepare a cup of genmaicha tea, simply place the combo of the dried sencha or bancha green tea leaves and roasted brown rice into a strainer. Then steep this for about 5 minutes in a cup of newly-boiled water. Discard and drink

lastly :

Inhale deeply.
Drink your tea.
Enjoy your life. HOYEAHHHHHHHH

p/s: ma chan n i was planning our 1st trip together for this year ...hoyeahh hoyeahh..my sister will join us this time... its has been a long time since our last trip together..matte kunai yoo GENTING wait for us >_

my life

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