Various things happened various feeling I felt

Nov 16, 2010 17:46

My speech

hi Ohayogozaimasu syaz desu dozo yorushiku is my turn

to read company creed and 7 principles waaaaaaahhhh i hate this ...but its my duty

so i have to do it Y_Y every morning after we do a simple exercise & sing the company song (usually i didn’t to that) we have to take turn read the company creed and 7 principles after that we need to share sumthing example " my baby cannot sleep last night bla bla bla" , "i watched one good film yesterday bla bla bla.." and me,

i story about the merapi's eruption that i saw from my local documentary series called MAJALAH3. Seriously i'm quite shock saw the actual situation there. The death body is everywhere n what make me so sad all the livestock like cows, buffaloes, chickens death and gave a big lost to the farmers. The title of the documentary is "debu duka" which mean "sad cloud/dust" in English. The host went until 4 km near to merapi and she was escort by one girl that her father dies on his motorcycle on the way run from the heat cloud. Her mother cannot stand anymore after seeing his father last helmet. Its so touching and suddenly the volcano start to eruption the heat cloud again and they quickly drove their car as far as possible from there. The situation was so havoc. Its look like a Hollywood’s film; 2012 (almost) .The only thing i can think is " We come from HIM and we will go back to HIM" soon or later HE will take everything from us... So use the time that HE gave to us as full as we can with amal & ibadah.  So we can bring it as our reserve to meet HIM soon. To all victims other than little money contribution I only can pray to Allah hope everything can be better a.s.a.p and to the death, RIP May Allah bestowed his blessed and placed them among the good believer.

one of the most active volcano in indonesia.

3 hengget = RM3

All the staff n i got this love-email this morning .....

In appreciation by Mr. Kazunori T, the President & Mr. Katsuhiko F, the Vice President of Home Appliances Group Japan for PH**M Excellent Production Achievements & Impressive Innovation Improvement of PH**M 2 Factory, The Top Management of HA & PH**M/PH**R*DM have decided to give away an In-house Meal Voucher of RM3.00 (Three Ringgit only) to all members as a token of appreciation.
The meal voucher will be distributed to all sections by today through Corporate HR Dept

Details of distribution will be let known by separate email.
For & on behalf
Thank you. 

only 3 ringgit? aiyoooo boss aiyoyo my sister went to school also bring more than that but still we have to be thankful to the token appreciation given by the company Y_Y
actually our in-house cafe quite cheap... usually i bought rice + 1 main dish(fish, chicken, meat ect) + 1 portion of vegetable = rm 2.80. so with rm 3 we can eat proper meal All the operators this could bring a lot of

joy to them. Thanks Bosses!!!! *hugs* cessss haram

p/s: actually i though the bos want to give us token eat at KFC plg cikai pon kui3

Token of Appreciation ^____^ i love it

my mom .... Include just now she called me nth time to confirm that I’m not coming back home this aidiladha (17 nov 2010)... this make me soooo sad .. really sad... i want to go back too but i dont have annual leave for 1 year then i only got 1 day public holiday Y_____________Y actually my company already gave me leave 2 weeks for aidilfitri and 1 week deepavali m(_ _)m  and 1 week for maintenance shutdown. so that’s why they didnt gave me annual leave... BUT ITS AIDIL ADHAAAA!!!!! still !! i want to celebrate with my family... last time i remember i cant celebrate aidil adha with my family is when i study in kelantan for 1 year in 2002.... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa soooo sad!!!!! Anyway just forget about that a few of my friends also didnt go back to their hometown so fair n square...^~^ To ALL MOSLEEM SALAM AIDIL ADHA and let appreciate the scarified of our prophet ismail and prophet ibrahim in follows Allah's will. what is our sacrified toward our religion, towards our family , community , state , country and toward our self??? lets think about it.

OK i hate that quote ....... i dont calebrate it with my family Y_Y

Quote battle

my x- colleague & i usually said sharing is caring n caring is loving then one of my friend which is guy continue that quote sharing is caring ,caring is loving, loving is marrying, marrying is babying in my FB AHHAHAHAHAHA what a funny quote so my friend n I bashed him in FB kakaka... then suddently my xclassmate put on her wall feeling is i come out with a brilliant idea (as for me lah) sharing is caring ,caring is loving, loving is feeling, feeling is killing *_*.and~~~~~~~~~ the winner is ME woahahahhaha so thats will be my trade mark zaasssss =P

p/s: if u want to continue this game killing is dying, dying is crying and so on fuhfuhfuh

hehehe yes i miss my cats..they didnt know what is sharing mean
but that make them sooo adorable

~JA.... NE~

my words

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