Nov 01, 2010 10:31

R*B Blocked it  Y_Y

to: K.k ; Miss depp
from: emerald0805
I'm hungry so i bloging ..no mood to work

to: emerald0805, K.k
from: Miss depp
Got my name ..royalty plesss

to: emerald0805, Miss Depp
from: K.k
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA R*B blocked it !!!~~~~~~

Shocked!!!! hurry n update my 2 other friends..such a kayyy poo chi wahahaha

to: Mane Anan, Ma chan
From: emerald0805
R*B blocked LJ~~~??!

to: emerald0805, Ma chan
from: Mane Anan
Then  i stay here for what???????!!! waaaa Y_Y

yeah we all sad because R*B blocked it.....previous R*B already blocked blogspot, and now LJ ... 
i'm sad because lately if u realize i frequently update my LJ ..why ?? because i want to amuse my 2 best buddy
who always said they are boring and asked me to write soemthing at my LJ ... i wrote specially for them ...i dont know how many people read my LJ but 2 of them are enough for me and if more than thet i'll feel so blessed.
Thanks for reading...now my reader less one person ,K.k....other than to amuse them i want them know that i always "genki" (healthy) and share what i'm thinking right now...should i move to other's blog?? but where ?Y_Y

before i leave ..i just started to watch unubore deka.... i feel i want to write my view about that story every episode ;P hopefully fully fully hehehe.... since TOMA  in it i'm very2 excited my tension is HIGH!!! i'm waiting nino's new drama (hopefully can take it from ma-chan =P)...ja ne~~~

my words

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