Title: Olive and an Arrow
Pairing: Demi/Selena
Rating: PG
Chapter: 1/1
Word Count: 1100
Summary: Based on the Nick J. & the Adminstration song Olive and an Arrow.
Olive and an Arrow
We've never been into honesty
Everything we are has always been encased in a shield of lies. In our positions, we don't have much of a choice, not if we want to keep doing what we love. Dishonesty is the only option when honesty involves publicizing Demi's lips, insistent and hungry against mine. So, we'll keep being dishonest, because it's the only way I can keep my job and keep sliding my hand beneath her shirt to find the warm skin of her hip, keep pulling her closer.
But promise me you'll let me know / When you're lying
Lying to the world has never really been the issue, though. We know it’s necessary, but what isn’t necessary, or even remotely acceptable, is lying to me. I never say it, but I pray that if there's anyone she's honest with, it's me, always me. Even when the truth can break my heart, because the truth is that she lies about her other relationships, just like she does ours. Cody, Trace, Joe, Chloe, and Miley have all held the title of ‘just friends.’ Demi is ‘just friends’ with a lot of people, and the truth about those relationships only comes out occasionally.
She wants to be an eagle / When she's high she can fly
Somehow, I can never blame her for it. Demi's always going to be the one that just wants to please people. There's always going to be a part of her that's the little girl that just wanted people to like her. She just wants to people to build her up and fame gets her that, so much more than I ever could. There's only so much I can do, but when she's got the admiration of thousands, she seems happy enough to fly, disappearing into the clouds and out of my life.
No matter what she was trying
In spite of it all, I guess it helps that she always comes back down. Stumbling through my door with an apologetic smile on her lips, or texting a simple 'I miss you' when I've lost hope. She keeps trying to hold us together, and, really, that's all I can ask of her. Especially, since I've stopped trying, putting myself out on a limb only to fall to the ground, like a baby bird not quite ready to fly.
She'll be the perfect woman / Then she'll change suddenly
There are times when she's perfect, in that charming imperfect sort of way I fell in love with. A little quirky, incredibly dorky, adorably clumsy, and almost painfully sweet, but then she’ll leave all that behind. Changing so fast I’ve got whiplash from standing beside her. Becoming that girl in pictures that's composed and cool, smiling demurely in a way that's alluring, but nowhere near as endearing as the too eager, but genuine smile that's so rare these days, it’s priceless even for me.
You wanna cry from the feeling
Demi changes so much when she's on someone else's arm, that every picture incites a painful flutter in my chest. She's gone even if she's right in front of me. It's the kind of pain that makes me want to pull out of her arms and curl into bed, let the tears I hold back fall.
She's got a heart of gold but / Every now and again she'll turn to grey
Her heart’s golden, always in the right place. She never means to hurt anyone, much less me, because bending under the will of other people is just a quality ingrained into her being. Maybe, that's the problem, though. I fell in love with the girl who shined without trying, shined so powerfully it stung others, enough to want to put out that light in her, replacing her with some dim, pale imitation.
And you know she gives me / An olive then an arrow in the back
Sometimes, I think there's no going back, that her light has finally gone out. Then she shows up at my door with a coloring book, a jar of pickles, and a bunch of Friends DVDs. By a lot of people’s standards, it’s a pretty pathetic apology, but she knows me. The part that’s painful is that I know her, too. I know that even if I let her in again, she’s going to wind up doing it again.
She leaves me breathless / Then she kicks me while I'm down
Even after everything, the sight of her at my doorstep leaves me breathless, and I let her in, into the house and into my heart all over again. Maybe, it’s the lack of oxygen to the brain, but I can never turn her away even if that would be the intelligent thing to do. I’m still raw from last time, post-Nick, part dos, just before she ran my heart through a blender with Joe, when I was still feeling the loss of Nick.
She leaves me hoping / That my love won't show / ' Cause I know she'll give me / An olive and an arrow
There’s a part of me, a part that’s growing, that wishes she knew me less. Hopes she doesn’t how I feel about her, how much I’ll always feel about her, how much I love her, because I know how it always ends. My transparency under her gaze may very well be my fatal flaw.
She doesn't like to worry / But she's afraid of everything / That's going on around her
Sometimes, it’s easier to blame the world rather than either of us. Demi doesn’t like to worry about everything crashing down around us, about exposure, about the ever growing eyes of the media. She’d rather bury her head, not watch Friends as her lips drag across my throat, hands fisting into the material of my shirt, a simple 'Selena' whispered reverently across my heated skin. It’s easy to forget everything when we’re together; the obstacles arise when we’re apart, when obligations take the place of not watching movies and ceaseless kisses.
I'm just another photo / That made its way on her page / Somehow I stayed but it won't be long
When other people get in the way, I’m just a blip on her radar, a distant memory under flashing lights, and even as she pushes me onto my back, lips urgent against mine, I know it won’t be long. For every olive, there’s an arrow for my back waiting in the wings. Maybe, it’s stupid, but I’d rather take what I can get, good and bad. It’s painful, and increasingly heartbreaking, but for every bad memory there’s an amazing one to outweigh it.