i love kat. shes perfect. so is bone thugs. they must be rockn my sox off fer reel. because its like that. but um. im switching my cisco class and my math class because mr cox is a fucking dickhead cock and i have a feelign i wont pass cisco. =] and yeah. either i get my casts off friday, or in 4 weeks. pray for me. and jewish people...uh light candles. like the candles on the menora that you didnt feel like lighting last year. the slitherpunk mini video is on my website. im in it. chek it. heres the link.
SLITHERPUNK TEAM MINI VIDEO like that huh? yeahp; think so. chris just im'ed me. school sucks. fer reel. cory moved and he was like my best friend in school because we could always say fish fisho or fersho or fosho dirtay. and i could get my groove on fer reel like in boogie nights or something and my science teacher should be living in the 70's. he reminds me of those teachers in ferris buler his name is like korkendorferfer its nuts. his name reminds me of like german people like aushcwitz or something jewish like that but im out. like a light bulb that burnt out and it wont go back on because somebody bumbped it pretty hard when they were drunk and it made this girl named christolis jump when she saw it fall and her shoes fell off.
jeff - psycho. layter.much.