Where "shit" and "fan" collide.

Oct 02, 2007 11:59

My bachelorette party was a blast. An exhauting, boob-grabbing, wine-soaked blast. For those of a non-Facebook nature, I'll be posting pictures soon enough.

I need to lay out my current frazzled mind-think before I go bat-shit insane.

Henry Rollins show on Friday! Yay!
Bill's last day of work is the 8th. Yay! I'll figure out when my last day is on Thursday.
Bill's sister is due to give birth this week. Yay!
The wedding is next week! Super Yay! Family and friends will start arriving on the 11th.
I told my new job I would start on the 29th.

Between now and the 29th, we need to get a new apartment and find new tenants for our current place.

Understandably, this time crunch is causing me a good chunk of consternation.
The apartment hunting thing is very difficult to do from a distance away--either we take a great leap in faith that the apartment will suffice for at least 6 months, or we wait to go and look at the thing--which will not happen until after the wedding weekend. If we wait that long, then we run some risks. If we take an apartment that we haven't seen--then we might be stuck with a shithole. Plus--Bill's not keen on having to move after 6 months (but I think that's a small hurdle compared to not having a place to move out to at all).

My time is at a premium here. I feel like everytime I talk to Bill about this, he thinks I'm stressing out too much or over-thinking things. I wish he could see things from my perspective without me having to explain it and sound like a crazy person.

I could go out this weekend on my own and look for myself, but, is that really a smart idea given the hellstorm that will be next week? Maybe I can convince someone to go with me.

I wish someone else could make this decision for myself.

For now, I'll imagine that Trent Reznor is singing this to me. (This is an amazing performance, by the way. <3 Trentie-poo)

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wedding, work, home, whinge, media

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