Somewhere in between the noisy thunderstorm and dawn, Zach Parise, NJ Devil's #9, made an appearance in my dreams last night .
...That's not a bad thing. Not at all.
It's funny when celebrities appear in my head. He showed up to a dream-BBQ on the arm of a girl who apparently was my dream-freshman roommate. I'm always happy to have him make an appearance. Makes the "sweet dreams" part easier. Dream-Bill was happy too. Who wouldn't be happy when a member from your favorite team shows up to a dream-party?
Would've been cool if Brodeur showed up too. Would've shared a few dream-beers with him.
I don't think I've ever had this many appearances by celebrities in my dreams when I was younger. Funny how the head works when you let go of controlling it.
I am thisclose to finishing the degree. I'll write a more comprehensive post soon enough.