(no subject)

Jun 05, 2013 22:06

I joined Weight Watchers again. This is a blog post I just wrote on the WW blog site. Just thought I'd post here too since I haven't been around in a while and wanted to share what I've been up to with anybody that may still read this. Hi!

This is the 4th time I have joined Weight Watchers. Yes, I have had success in the past and yes, the weight that I have lost has always found its way back with a few extra pounds. I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life.

Knowing that I need to lose weight and get healthy has been nagging at my brain for years. My last attempt at WW was 5 years ago. Since then I have not really cared too much and just figured I would always be fat. I found happiness in my life, finally got a good groove going. Seems like it took forever to find a balance between home, work, wife, mother, me. It's that last one, me, that still tends to fall by the wayside. For many years, about 4 I think, I have been taking a medication for depression. At my last check up I expressed interest in trying something else. The doc agreed and I've been switched. Boom! It's like I've woken from a fog. I can now see the clutter in my house, see the weight on my body, feel the need to take action. Even though I was armed with this new found power and I was making changes, the weight loss issue was still being mostly ignored.

Figuring I would get around to it when my house is cleaner, my laundry is done, my yard is weeded, and any of the other myriad of excuses I have so often made, I was still not wanting to take the plunge to change my foody ways. Then, something happened. I overheard a client in the office I work in decline an appointment with me because "she looks so fat and unhealthy". This person doesn't know me other than seeing me around the clinic and has never been treated by me. Now, I am well aware that this bigoted comment is more her issue than mine but I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt. I have felt guilty for being overweight in the profession that I am in. I am telling people all day long different ways to care for their bodies but look at how I treat my own. Hypocrite. So, this time, I want the weight to stay off and I want it ALL gone. I am a great person and I am good at my job. I love what I do and who I am. I am beautiful on the inside, I am at a place in my life where I can truly believe that and I am ready to make the outside match. I am expecting a struggle. I am expecting to want to quit. I am expecting to push myself harder. To use the encouraging words of my family to lift me up when I'm feeling down. I have a long road ahead of me, about 86 pounds worth of road. I hope to enjoy the ride.


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