Title: Confusing Emotions.
Author: Emely
Fandom: Pendragon
Pairing: Loor / Courtney Chetwynde
Theme: #2 Jealousy
Rating: G
Warnings: Shoujo Ai elements.
Disclaimer: All mentioned characters and places are property of the author D.J Machale.
Other: Once again, AU. Post series.
Confusing Emotions.
It must suck being caught up in the middle, Mark mused, as he stared at his best friend Bobby. Certainly it must be a very...interesting situation but sucky none the less. Jealousy could be a very confusing emotion, because at times you might think you're envious of one thing when really it was the complete and utter opposite. Like so many other emotions it turned people into fools, blinded them, and made them do very silly things.
Such was the case between Courtney, Loor, and Bobby. The history was a long one, but to make it short Courtney and Bobby had a short-lived relationship (short-lived being one day--becoming a Traveler and having to flume across space and time to save distant territories kinda put a damper on anything that might have evolved). After a while Bobby began to have feelings for Loor, another Traveler and a partner in his 'escapades' but she never really seemed to give him much attention. Of course Courtney was very well aware of all of this and jealousy sprung in the young brunette which only made things worse once Halla was saved. Loor had a habit of visiting Second Earth alot, something Courtney attributed to the fact that she probably returned Bobby's feelings.
So now there seemed to be a feud going on. Courtney tugged Bobby one way, wanting to make certain that he wasn't 'stolen' while Loor tugged another way. However Loor, did in fact, not have feelings for Bobby. So why did she do it? It took a while for Mark to figure it out but when he finally got the idea he was fairly certain he was right: the way Loor sometimes looked at Courtney when she wasn't looking, the way she would smile at the girl's stubborness and impulsive nature, her fighter's spirit, her unconditional kindness, even Courtney's faults seemed to appeal to Loor in some way. Loor was not jealous of Courtney, but rather of Bobby and all the attention he received from a girl who she possibly had feelings for. His suspicions were confirmed however when he once mentioned that Bobby and Courtney had kissed before he had left for Denduron all those years ago. Loor had tensed, and looked away. That might not have been much of a big deal, but Loor was always the one in control, and if not, she at least had a good grip on her emotions to keep everything in check and hidden.
The reason Loor pretended to fight over Bobby was simply because she would rather be with him, then see him with Courtney.
No, it didn't make sense at all, but that just went to show how jealousy could be a very, very strange thing indeed.