Fireside Chat

Mar 07, 2010 10:58

Title: Fireside Chat
Author: Emelye
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Elect
Characters/Pairing: Angelus

The reverend peered over his steepled fingers. )

buffyverse, fanfiction, drabbles, fireside chat

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whichclothes March 7 2010, 17:56:11 UTC
Ooh! Creepy! Man, I wish I could write a good drabble.


emelye_miller March 7 2010, 19:07:18 UTC
I love doing the Open on Sunday drabbles. Writing to a prompt is always so much easier for me than having to come up with something on my own.


whichclothes March 7 2010, 19:11:33 UTC
I like writing to prompts also.


emelye_miller March 7 2010, 22:41:13 UTC
Was that a hint? ;-)


whichclothes March 7 2010, 22:52:56 UTC
Not at the moment, thanks. :-) I have about 8 projects backlogged at the moment. The number of ideas I have is in inverse proportion to my free time.


emelye_miller March 7 2010, 22:54:48 UTC
Oh! I thought you were castigating me for not coming through fast enough with chapter three. ;-)


whichclothes March 7 2010, 22:56:45 UTC
There is no rule that you must get the next chapter done within 24 hours. You won't lose your fanfic license. Although I *am* anxious to see what you do. ;-)


emelye_miller March 7 2010, 23:14:06 UTC
Thank god there's no rule like that or I'd be toast!

Actually, I've enjoyed writing a bit faster. You're so fast and so good, it's been nice to challenge myself to be a more efficient writer. And so far, it's been great - I think if I let myself sit too long with a piece I can tend to overwork it to the point where I lose the emotional immediacy that might have been there if I'd just put it out there, flaws and all. Sometimes, I've needed the time to develop an idea or to really sit there and say, "okay, now where I am I going again and what threads need weaving and what do I want to say" but mostly, I think it's really just pushing me to get out of my own way, get past the self doubt and just write!

So, yeah. I'll do it soon! Because I love it, it's fun and the Oscars, they are long and get boring. ;-)


whichclothes March 8 2010, 00:42:23 UTC
This has been a great challenge for me, too. I tend to take my fics a little too seriously, so it's been just so fun to be sort of silly. And you're right--working fast has been a good thing, too.

I think it's really just pushing me to get out of my own way, get past the self doubt and just write!

Fanfic in general has definitely done this for me. It's been fantastic as a way to improve my writing.

I'm planning to write in front of the Oscars, too. I actually know a couple family members of one of the best actor nominees, so I figure I have to watch. ;-)


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