El Cuento del Bucanero y del Vampiro 16/?

Feb 21, 2010 23:43

Title: El Cuento del Bucanero y del Vampiro
Authors: whichclothes and emelye_miller
Chapter: 16/?
Pairing: Spike/Xander (eventually)
Rating: This chapter, NC-17, for TEH HOT SEXX0RS.
Disclaimer: We're not Joss
Warnings: None so far
Summary: Events begin post-Chosen, midway through AtS S5. Comics are ignored. Image by the incredible sentine.

Previous parts here.

El Cuento del Bucanero y del Vampiro

Sweet Sixteen

Manuel held off the other wrestlers from the locker room while Xander changed his clothes and gathered his things. He had to act quickly.

Manuel caught him at the door before he left. “I’ll cover for you, mijo. La Paloma already bought off the coroner. He’ll be waiting in the blue van by the west doors, entiende?”

Xander nodded and grasped his arm in thanks before braving the crowd gathered to catch a glimpse of the ruthless, one-eyed exotico.

The five minutes it took to race down the cement corridor to the exit were among the longest of his life, not knowing how much he’d truly damaged Spike or what condition he’d find him in. There was so much blood-

“Xander! Psst! Querido!” La Paloma was hanging out the side of the van and waving frantically.

Xander ran and jumped inside. The door slammed shut behind him and tires squealed as they pealed out of the parking lot.

Spike lay propped up on several blankets, bloodied and bruised, but otherwise no worse for wear, nursing a Big Gulp full of blood. “Hey, Xan,” he said, smiling.

Xander let out a ragged breath and sank down beside him. “Oh, thank God,” he said, hoarsely.

“Not worried were you? Had a lot worse-from you an’ all,” Spike reminded him.

Xander laughed a little and swiped at his eyes with a grimy hand. “Sorry, just-I had to make it look good, but I didn’t know how hard I got you, you know? And you just looked so-so-”

“Dead?” Spike offered.

Xander let out a breath. “Yeah.”

Spike shrugged stiffly. “Still here.”

Xander ran a hand gently through Spike’s disheveled hair, carefully avoiding the tender places. “Yeah, you are. Glad I didn’t do anything to change that.”

“Me too.” Spike relaxed into Xander’s touch and dozed off. Through the tinted windows, Xander tracked the stars in the night sky, so much like the ones that watched over him in Africa, and knew with utter certainty that no matter the outcome of this assignment, he wasn’t returning to Iowa.

The house was well off the main roads and warm light poured from every adobe window making it glow like a beacon against the desert sky. An older woman stood on the front porch, waiting for them as the van finally came to a stop on the gravel drive.

Xander gently shook Spike awake. “We’re here.”

Spike blinked and nodded curtly, allowing Xander to help him out of the van.

The woman stepped forward and embraced Xander warmly, kissing both his cheeks. “Gracias, mis hijos,” she told them, releasing him only to crush Spike to her substantial bosom. “Usted es agradable aquí.”

“Gracias,” Spike said with surprising grace, allowing her to take his elbow and pull him inside. Xander and La Paloma followed, exchanging amused glances.

“Your room is down the hall to your right.” Paloma told them. “The baño is there also, you can’t miss it. Go get your rest, we’ll deal with the bastardo mago in la mañana.”

They gratefully said goodnight to La Paloma and his mother and left them in search of shower and sleep.

There was a big wrought iron bed in the center of the room covered in downy white pillows and blankets that instantly made him take note of his cleanliness or apparent lack thereof.

Xander heard a low whistle from the adjacent bathroom and found Spike hovering lustfully over the large copper bathtub. There was a large walk-in shower on the opposite wall and a marble topped vanity in between.

“Well, Harris, we really fell upstairs this time. M’only sorry I can’t think of a way to make Angel foot the bill.”

Xander chuckled. “We should get Paloma to draw up an invoice.”

“Yeah,” Spike grinned.

An awkward moment of expectant silence and then, “Look, um, I’m gonna jump in the shower, so the tub’s all yours. Unless you two’d like to be alone?” Xander added wryly.

Spike flipped him off and flung the taps open.

Twenty or so minutes later, Xander turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist that he’d most likely told Anya was too expensive back when they’d been playing house together. He should have been better to her. He shouldn’t have been so tight with his money.

He should have loved her more when he had the chance.

Xander threw his clothes on in a hurry and went off to find the kitchen.

Spike was still soaking in the tub when Xander returned with blood of indeterminate origin. “Hey, I bring sustenance,” he announced.

Spike peeled open his eyes and reached for the mug. “Ta, ever so.”

Xander sat on the floor beside the tub, pulled his knees up to his chest and watched him drink. Spike observed him warily over the top of the mug. Xander took it from him wordlessly when Spike was finished and set it on the vanity before taking a washcloth and gently beginning to clear away the dried blood from Spike’s hair and face. He didn’t look Spike in the eye. He didn’t want to see judgment or rejection or pity but he needed to do this right now because he needed to believe things were going to be different this time. He was going to be different this time.

He knew it couldn’t last and he wasn’t really surprised when Spike grabbed his wrist and stopped him. “Xander, what’re you doing, luv? S’nice, but this isn’t us.”

“It could be,” Xander answered, staring determinedly at the terracotta tiles. “Don’t know any other way to be.”

“No, you don’t do things by halves, do you?” Spike took the washcloth from him. “Look, Harris, you need to understand that I’m still a mean bastard. I’m not a patient man, I like violence, and blood and I don’t much care if I’m fucking or fighting when I get it. I’m a demon. M’not gonna be easy.”

Xander couldn’t help himself. “Gosh, and all my other lovers have been such wilting flowers. Be gentle?”

“Oi! M’not joking!”

Xander laughed because it was easier and because this much he knew was them. “I’m sorry. You’re being serious. Go back to the part about the rough sex?”

Spike growled in frustration and splashed Xander, drenching the front of his shirt. Xander’s eyes widened. He stuck his arm over the edge of the tub and retaliated, grinning.

Suddenly and without warning strong, wet hands were dragging his clothed body into the tub. Xander laughed in surprised delight and Spike’s mouth closed over his demandingly. When Spike released him, Xander saw knowing in his eyes.

“Don’t let me fuck this up,” Xander begged.

Spike tightened his grip on the back of Xander’s head. “Don’t let me hurt you.”

Xander kissed him then, because he couldn’t come up with a better response, and anyway, there was a drop of water running down Spike’s cheek and onto his throat that he needed to taste.

Spike moaned and Xander smiled against his neck and nipped gently. Spike took his hand and placed it on his swollen cock, grinding up into his palm. Xander fisted him greedily and continued sucking and licking the beautiful little spot above his collarbone until it was purple with borrowed blood and Spike was whining with need and fumbling for the opening of Xander’s pants with one hand and trying to grip the tub with the other. Cool fingers fondled his balls and Xander plastered himself against Spike with a needy sound. Their teeth and lips clashed and sucked and bit and tongues explored and the water sloshed over the edge of the tub. They jerked each other frantically, breathing hard and hurried and the raw, honest need put such a sharp edge on his pleasure Xander came with a shout. Seconds later Spike tensed and Xander pulled his body tight against his as Spike’s cock pulsed in his hand.

Xander wanted to collapse in a boneless sprawl over the body of his magnificent, wonderful, perfect, beautiful lover, but had to content himself with holding Spike close, as they were still in the tub. The rapidly cooling tub in which he was submerged in his rapidly chilling clothes with a vampire who was slowly leaching the heat from his body.

Spike rubbed at Xander’s arms as if realizing this for himself and moved to stand on wobbly legs. Xander steadied him and helped him out of the tub before getting out himself, shivering violently.

He stripped, and Spike wrapped him in a towel with an incongruously coy smile.

That night, for the forty-third time they slept under the same roof. For the twenty-eighth time they walked into the bedroom they would be sharing and Xander turned down the bed. For the fifteenth time they slid into bed beside one another, said good night for the twelfth time, and for the fourth time they kissed, and when Spike pillowed his head on Xander’s arm for the first time, he fell asleep thinking it felt like they’d been sleeping like this for years.

buffyverse, fanfiction, round robins, el cuento del bucanero y del vampiro, whichclothes

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