Diary of a P.O.W.

Nov 30, 2007 11:31

Day 14 of my captivity: I am bored out of my goddamned mind. Even my cat (smug bastard) is looking at me with pity. I am fighting the battle against compulsive eating - and losing. To my benefit, there isn't a whole lot of junk food in the house and I don't think I need to worry about stuffing my face with oranges. At least I won't have to add scurvy to my list of woes.

For those of you just tuning in, I went to the hospital two weeks ago in preterm labor. I wasn't released until last Sunday after being pumped full of drugs. While everyone else was riding out a tryptophan coma on Thanksgiving, I was gorked out on magnesium sulfate. Six badly done blood draws left my right arm track marked, bruised, bloody and raw, one rectal suppository answered the question "How much worse can it get?" and while I was layed up, my mother in law invaded and rearranged my kitchen.

Now, with the addition of a diabetic-style pump giving me controlled doses of terbutaline every four hours, I am on bedrest until my adorable little life-sucking parasite is ejected from my body. Clearly this is the result of getting smug about what an easy pregnancy it's been thus far. And naturally this occurs right as I finally managed to land a job interview after six months of unemployment.

Our phone and internet were shut off two days ago. There is a hell, and I am in it.


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