I Give Up

Nov 03, 2007 20:31

You know, I stood up for DH. I was all "It's JK Rowling's book sucka, step off!" Yeah, I thought Snape's death was not only useless but anti-climactic. Yeah, I thought the plot would have been better served using Hogwarts as a base of operations rather than flitting around in that damn tent. And, yeah, I thought the epilogue largly sucked donkey dick and should have been axed in favor of one more chapter with a bit of resolution after the friggin bloodbath. But there was a lot of stuff in there that I did like and, like, whatever. Not my book.

Then, JK outed Dumbledore, and after feeling returned to my extremities, I processed the info and I dealt. I wasn't all Yippie!What a giant boon for gay rights activists everywhere! or anything but neither was I torching my books and screaming gay epithets either. I just felt it was kind of badly timed. I know she was just responding to a question, but it still smacked a little of desperation for attention.

And now, she and Warner Bros are going medieval on the Lexicon for trying to publish after she kept telling people that the encyclopedia she wanted to publish was going firmly on the back burner indefinitely. Now of course, she's arguing that she was always planning on doing an encyclopedia and how dare he do this to the children blah, blah, blah. Okay, I get intellectual property law and all, but talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

So basically, my feeling is that the whole thing has jumped the shark in a major way. I'm tired of the wank, the fannish entitlement and all the incumbent bullshit. I quit.


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