Oh no...

May 31, 2007 06:02

I can't believe they've gone and done it. I suppose it was inevitable, but really, does anyone else think this could be a monumentally awful idea?

The Horror. I suppose at least Jo seems to be behind it, and yet, I can't help but think that this will destroy credibility on the part of the series.

hp, commentary, wank

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Comments 3

weltreisender May 31 2007, 11:55:25 UTC
Hmmm...yeah....not so sure about that.

It doesn't even sound appealing. I'd worry about going and completely messing up my perceptions of how things are.

Unless, of course, a certain Mr. Rickman agrees to give his potions speech live, every hour on the hour. Then I'm all for it.


shiv5468 May 31 2007, 11:56:13 UTC
I think it will be both awful and just the sort of thing I'd like to have a go on to see how awful it would be.


keladry_lupin May 31 2007, 15:17:37 UTC
Like everyone else, I read my friends list from most recent until I catch up. Your entry is close to my initial reaction when I read someone else's squeeing entry. No, no, no. (Though I admit that I'll probably go a year or two after it opens, if the initial reactions from attendees aren't complete shit.) It's just that there's no way they can possibly satisfy us.


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