Alive, kicking, needy.

Aug 03, 2013 18:14

So quick update for anyone still here, I'm still writing! Slowly. Very, very slowly. In fact, I may even be working on a certain Spander fic that's been unfinished for about two years. *ahem*

Here's my issue: I've been all over a bunch of different fandoms since the last time I worked on this fic. Not that I don't still love it, but between having Sherlock/the Hobbit/Star Trek take over my life and, well, RL stuff that's made working on it kind of weird for reasons I'm sure you can imagine, I'm having a tough time getting back into it.

BUT I WANT TO FINISH IT. I owe it to the people who've read it/are reading it and I owe it to myself to complete the trilogy.

And because I really, really miss this community, I'm going to trade on any good will left for my fandom jumping, LJ abandoning ass and ask for prompts to help me finish this beasty for the good of all slashkind. Single words, phrases, songs, adverbs, whatever. I'll take it. I just need some guideposts to write around while I try and get back into the mindframe of this story. So yeah. I can't promise anything definite, but my goal is to have this completed by the time I'm on the plane to Atlanta for DragonCon. (BTW, I'm at DragonCon with the usual suspects. If you're in the area, come find me.)

life could ever grant me, buffyverse, fanfiction, fic wittering, rl

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