And on the day the words Shitty First Draft were redefined, we stood in awe and watched.

Oct 21, 2010 11:26

Working on my fall_for_sx entry right now which is partly why there's been an utter lack of anything fic-like from my corner for a while. I'm still working on Life Could Ever Grant Me. I feel like chapter eight is lacking something at the moment, so I'm going to keep tinkering with it. Avebury will be forthcoming soon I hope. Now that I have an actual weekend to look forward to for the first time in two months, who knows?

At the moment though, I am writing what may actually be the WORLD'S SHITTIEST FIRST DRAFT.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I stand by my story. It's a solid idea and I can't wait to unleash it on the world.

But seriously, though I rarely employ a drafting process, this one is going to need major reconstructive surgery. As it stands, it's got some of the fugliest characterizations I've ever written and the tone needs some continuity.

I remain hopeful. As long as I can finish the first draft without giving up out of sheer disgust with myself, I should be able to mold it into something I've wanted to write for a really, really long time.

So yeah. Thanks for hanging in there, those of you still following my fics. I appreciate you all.

Oh, and since I haven't mentioned it recently, show some love.

fic wittering

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