Baby Likes To Play

Jul 11, 2010 11:10

Title: A Doll's House
Author: Emelye
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Play
Characters/Pairing: Spike/Dru, Dru/Angelus

Childhood didn’t exist in the 1860s. Infancy stretched the first five years of life, after which a young gentleman was declared precisely that and shipped off to whichever public school would have him. Spike marveled at Dru’s child-like nature, and even found a bit of his own when she bade him cosset her dolls. The simple play absorbed and soothed him utterly. He delighted in the fanciful stories she’d spin around Miss Edith. The dolls lay neglected when Angelus returned and Spike was deeply resentful. Angelus didn’t stay, of course, but Dru didn’t want to play with him any more.

Title: Valley Of The Dolls
Author: Emelye
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Play
Characters/Pairing: Spike, Dawn

At thirteen Dawn Summers was too old to be playing with dolls, but she still took great pride in showing Spike her collection of Barbies. He handled them reverently as she related the occasions she acquired them-birthdays, holidays, missed visits with her father. When Buffy died, Dawn found doll sized rock tee-shirts and safety pin bedecked plaid skirts on her bed. They dyed all the blond heads with Manic Panic and styled them into Mohawks. After Buffy returned, the dolls lived at the crypt with him.

The night he left for Africa, Dawn took her toys and went home.

Title: Real American Hero
Author: Emelye
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Play
Characters/Pairing: Spike, Xander

Xander opened the closet door to find Spike exploring a box of his toys. “He was my cousin’s,” Xander explained, prying the G.I. Joe gently from Spike’s hand. “Kung-fu grip, of course. But this,” he explained, turning the figure to show a small lever on the back of his head, “Is why he’s really special.” Xander flicked the switch and the eyes moved. He stood Joe on the shelf above Spike’s bed. “He’ll watch out for you.” Pulling a battered game of Battleship from the box he almost missed Spike’s quiet “Thank you.”

Xander held out the game. “Wanna play?”

buffyverse, fanfiction, drabbles

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