Dec 01, 2010 15:31

 I was looking everywhere for a place to rant, where people would actually hear me and understand, and then I remembered my livejournal!  Why do I let this thing fall so deeply into disrepair?!  I love all the people here!  I swear I'm going to come back to this journal full-time... eventually.  ;)

I just had a bit of a frustrating experience where I was COMPLETELY misunderstood.  It was an online forum.  I said something I meant to be tongue-in-cheek and possibly was not articulated as best as it could be.... And the response was overwhelmingly negative and hurtful.  I was really stunned.  The personal level of some of the responses was really shocking.  I mean... I would *never* presume to know someone by one comment they made on an anonymous forum.  One person actually said, "Based on this comment, I would never be friends with you."

So hurtful.  Worst thing is, I could see the picture of the person they THOUGHT they were seeing, created by the words I'd carelessly written (Trust me, it wasn't anything offensive or harmful) and the mere possibility that a group of people could see me that way...

Not only that, but as they all piled on each others' comments, the picture was getting more grotesque and disfigured with each passing moment.

Anyway, I eventually stopped trying to redact/explain and just left altogether.  It's too bad because I was almost starting to feel at home in that forum.

It was my mistake for even letting my guard down for a second.  Anonymity turns people into monsters.

[/end rant]

Okay, but otherwise, I'm doing very well.  I'm working ... and I have a puppy!  The smartest, cutest, fluffiest puppy in the world.  ;)  In all honesty.  Hahaha.  I shall post pictures when I'm not sneaking onto the interwebs while at work.  :oX  Don't tell anyone!!!

Sorry to come back after such a long time away with a rant!  But I will come back and post some pictures of my pup.  And I will read/comment on your entries!

P.S.  Erm... does anyone have recommendations on a message board they enjoy?  I promise to behave.  :D
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