In The Beginning.....
Who are you: Emmi
Where are you from: Ishpeminggg
Birthday: August 3rd
First best friend: Jessica and Kaitlin (from marquette)
First screen name: lckyme43
First self purchased CD: TLC.. just like jess!
First pets:
First piercing/tattoo: my ear lobes
First musician you remember hearing in your house: Alanis Morrisette
Last cigarette: neverrr
Last car ride: umm to practice and what not
Last kiss: Christmas =)
Last good cry: ahh i have no ideaa
Last crush: hmm.. not sureee
Last phone call: Yutti
Last time showered: after practice today
Last annoyance: my little brother
Last disappointment: myselff.. lol
Last shirt worn: umm my Paradise tank-top
Last song you sang: some Shania Twain thing
What color of underwear are you wearing? white with a green lace trim
What time did you wake up today? 9
Current mood: wonderingg..
Current hair: in a pony tail
Current clothes: umm my white Cougar shorts and my paradise tee, socks and my pink bra.. and my white and green undies
Current annoyance(s): i'm reall tireddd
Current hate: ummm no one at the moment
Have you ever..
[x] been drunk.
[ ] smoked pot....
[x] kissed someone.
[ ] rode in a taxi.
[x] been dumped.
[ ] shoplifted.
[ ] been fired.
[ ] been in a fist fight.
[x]broken a bone
[ ] got hit by a car
[ ] snuck out of your parent's house.
[ ] been arrested.
[ ] gone in a mosh pit.
[ ] stole something from your job
[ ] celebrated new years in times square.
[ ] gone on a blind date.
[x] lied to a friend.
[x]had a crush on a teacher.
[ ] celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans.
[ ] been to europe
[x] skipped school.
[x] thrown up from drinking.
[x] lost a family member
[x] played 'clue'
[x] had a sleepover party.
[x] went ice skating.
[ ]cheated on a bf/gf.
[x] been cheated on.
[x] had a sweet sixteen.
[ ] had ur tonsils out.
[x]had a car.
do you...
[ ] have a bf.
[ ] have a gf.
[x] have a crush... possiblyyyyyyyy ;)
[ ] feel loved.
[x] feel lonely... kinda sortaaa
[x] feel happy.
[ ] hate yourself
[ ]think you're attractive.
[x] have a dog.
[x] have your own room.
[ ] listen to Hawaiian Music
[x] listen to rap.
[x] listen to rock.
[x] listen to country.
[ ] have more than 1 best friend.
[x] get good grades
[ ] play an instrument
[ ] have slippers.
[x] wear boxers
[x] wear black eyeliner.
[x] like the color blue.
[x] like the color pink.
[ ] cyber.
[ ] claim.
[x] like to read.
[x] like to write.
[ ] have long hair.
[ ]have short hair.
[x]have a cell phone.
[ ]have a laptop.
[ ] have a pager
are you..
[ ] ugly.
[ ] pretty.
[x] ok.
[ ] handsome.
[x] bored.
[x] happy
[x] bilingual.
[ ] Hawaiian.
[ ] Samoan.
[ ] Filipino.
[ ] Korean.
[ ] British.
[x] white.
[ ] black.
[ ] mexican.
[ ] asian.
[ ] short.
[ ] tall.
[ ] grounded.
[ ] sick.
[ ] mad
[x] lazy.
[x] single.
[ ] taken.
[x] looking... kinda sortaa
[ ] not looking.
[x] brokenhearted
[x] talking to someone.
[ ] IMing someone.
[x] scared to die.
[x] tired.
[x] sleepy.
[ ] annoyed.
[ ] hungry.
[x] thirsty.
[ ] on the phone.
[ ] in your room.
[ ] drinking something.
[ ] eating something.
[ ] in your pjs.
[x] ticklish. VERY
[ ] listening to music.
[ ] watching the Olympics
[ ] watching tv
1. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?: smile and eyes
2. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: suree would
3. Would you marry for money?: neverr.. i would rather be happy =)
4. Have you had braces?: ohh yeahhhh
5. Do you pluck your eyebrows?: sure doo
6. Do you ever cut or hurt yourself?: nahh
7. When was the last time you had a hickey?: nott suree
8. Could you live without a computer?: possiblyy
9. you useICQ, AOL Buddy list etc..?: yes
10. If so, how many people are on your list(s)?: 199
11. If you could live in any past time period, which would it be?: 60's orr 80's
13. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: take them off
14. What is your favorite fruit?: Clementines
15. Do you eat wheat bread or white?: wheat
16. What is your favorite place to visit?: umm i'm not suree
17. What is the last movie you saw?: Mulan!
18. Do you kiss on the first date?: uhhhh
19. Are you photogenic?: i like pictures to be taken of mee.. soo maybe?
20. Do you dream in color or black and white?: color
21. Are you wearing fingernail polish?: sure am
22. Do you have any dimples?: i have one
23. Do you remember being born?: OBVIOUSLY.. goshh.. idiott
24. Why do you take surveys?: i'm not sureee
25. Do you drink alcohol?: uhhh
26. Did you like or do you like high school?: Middle School called.. they want their drama back thats alllll i've gotta say
27. What is the most beautiful language?: french
28. When you are asleep do you like being kissed awake?: i'm not sureee.. try me sometime!
29. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: sunsets.. butt i'd lovee to see a sunrise!
30. Do you want to live to be 100?: i wanna be 101!
31. Do you think women should be expected to shave their body hair?: obviouslyy!
32. Do you like salty food or sugary food the most?: salty
33. Is a flat stomach important to you?: on me.. or someone elsee?
34. Do you or have you played with a ouija board?: noo.. but i wanna!
35. Are you loyal?: i tryyyyy
36. Are you tolerant of other people's beliefs?: of course
37. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: offf
38. Do you believe in magic?: i'm not suree... i've never seen it
39. you have nightmares frequently?: nahh not really
40. Do you like your nose?: actually i doo
41. Do you like abstract art?: i think its cool
42. Do you think you can draw well? LOL no
43. Do you listen to music daily?: yesss i can't live without it!
44. Do you like to watch cartoons?: heck yah!
45. At what age id you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?: likee 8 or 9?
46. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: lets not even go thereee
47. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?: whatevers comfy
48. Do you write poetry?: i've tried
49. Do you snore?: nopee
50. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: i'm on my back the most orrr my front
51. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?: a golden retriever!
52. Do you lick stamps?: i guess lol
53. Do you use an electric can opener?: yup
54. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon?: no.. but i wanna!
55. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?: emotional
56. Do you think balding men should shave their heads?: umm yes
57. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?: not clinically no
58. Do you prefer a piano or a violin?: piano
59. Are you a sex addict?: i'm a virgin.. and proud of it! =)
60. Do you know someone who has cancer?: she died..
61. Do you hunt?: with my daddy sometimes!
62. Do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants?: I <33 Taco Bell!
63. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?: Zooo
64. Do you have a middle name?: nopee.. i'm just Emmi Owens.. OBVIOUSLY goshj
65. Are you basically a happy person?: yeah i am
66. Are you tired?: very
67. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?: yes
68. Have you ever met anyone off the internet?: nooo
69. How many phones do you have in your house? 4
70. How long is your hair?: about to my shoulders
71. Do you get along with your parents?: i try really hard to
72. What color of eyes do you prefer?: brownn.. blue or green <3
73. Are you an active person?: umm yeah i think so
74. What medications do you take?: i'm going to be on birth control next week.. does that count?
75. What does your bedroom look like? Light green.. dark green and pink with chalkboard paint!
hmm what an intersting and longggg surveyy